Is Dimple Surgery Haram In Islam? (All Clear)
Dimple surgery, also known as dimple creation, is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure.
Dimples are usually seen as attractive facial features, and many people are now opting to undergo a surgical process to create dimples of their own.
Unfortunately, there has been a lot of debate about whether or not this type of surgery is considered haram (forbidden) in Islam.
In this blog post, we’ll look at both sides of the argument and answer the question Is dimple surgery haram in Islam with proof and references.

Is Dimple Surgery Haram?
Dimple surgery is haram (forbidden) in Islam if you do it for the beauty and admiration of others.
According to Islam, anything you do for beautification and change of the creation of Allah is not allowed in Islam.
However, if you do it for medical purposes, such as to correct a deformity or to reduce facial asymmetry, then it is halal (permissible).
In the Quran An-Nisaa 4:119, Allah (SWT) says what shaitan (devil) said:
“Surely I will command them, and they will change Allah’s creation.”
This is the word of shaitan, said by Allah in the Quran. It means that shaitan is trying on us to change the creation of Allah.
Therefore, changing or enhancing anything Allah created for beauty purposes is considered haram and a major sin in Islam.
If you still go with dimple surgery or any other beatification surgery like laser eye surgery, you will sin against Allah (SWT).
Why Is Dimple Surgery Haram?
In Islam, it is haram to alter a part of the creation of Allah. That is why dimple surgery is not allowed in Islam.
The dimple surgery is not considered halal because it involves changing the facial features Allah (SWT) has provided us with.
It is also seen as vanity, and Allah (SWT) does not approve of vanity in any form.
Nowadays, most youngsters love people with dimples, which is why they opt for dimple surgery so that people will admire them.
Dimple is a beautiful sign, and it is a part of the creation of Allah. It is by His will that someone has dimples, and by His will, if someone does not have one.
So, it is wrong to change something that Allah has created for the purpose of beauty.
Even if you don’t have dimples, it doesn’t matter because it is Allah’s will, and you don’t have to do something haram to meet beauty standards.
If you like the dimples so much, remember what Allah has given you and try to thank Him for that. InshaAllah, he will give you even more blessings and beauty for being thankful.
You can also read is jaw surgery haram? If planning for.
Q. Is Dimpleplasty haram?
A. Dimpleplasty is haram if it is done for the purpose of beauty and admiration from others. However, if it is done for medical reasons, such as to correct a deformity or asymmetry, then it is permissible.
Q. What does dimple mean in Islam?
A. In Islam, dimples are just part of Allah’s creation, and one should not try to alter it in any way. Changing or enhancing something Allah created for beauty purposes is considered haram and a major sin in Islam.
Q. Is it Haram to have Beauty surgery?
A. Yes, it is haram to have beauty surgery in Islam as it involves changing the creation of Allah. It is seen as vanity, and Allah (SWT) does not approve of vanity in any form.
Q. Can you get dimples with surgery?
A. Yes, you can get dimples with surgery, but this is not allowed in Islam as it involves changing the creation of Allah for beauty purposes.
Q. Is Botox in Islam haram?
A. Botox is haram in Islam as it involves changing the creation of Allah for beautification purposes.
In conclusion, dimple surgery is haram in Islam as it involves changing the creation of Allah for beatification. It is seen as vanity, and Allah (SWT) does not approve of vanity in any form.
Therefore, one should thank Allah (SWT) for what He has provided us and keep in mind that beauty is not just about having dimples but also about having a good character.
Moreover, one should not undergo surgery to increase their beauty, as this is considered haram in Islam.
May Allah (SWT) guide us on the right path and help us become better Muslims. Amen.