Is It Haram To Have A Cat In The House?

Is It Haram To Have A Cat: Pets are a source of companionship, love, and enjoyment for many people. In the Muslim faith, however, there is debate over whether it is permissible to keep animals as pets.

One of the most common pets in the world is the cat. Cats are known for their independent nature and their ability to show affection. For many people, cats make the perfect pet.

However, there is some debate among Muslims over whether or not it is permissible to keep cats as pets. Some Muslims believe that cats are “unclean” animals and should not be kept in the home. Others argue that cats are permitted as long as they are treated well and given proper care.

If you’re looking to get answered is it haram to have a cat in Islam, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different opinions on this topic and provide guidance on what you should do if you’re considering getting a cat according to Islam teachings.

Is It Haram To Have A Cat

Is It Haram To Have A Cat?

No, it is not haram (forbidden) for a Muslim to have a cat. In Islam, cats are considered “clean” animals, and many Muslims keep cats as pets.

We can’t say it’s haram to have a cat categorically because there is no such ruling in Islam. The Quran does not explicitly forbid keeping cats as pets, and no hadith does so, either.

Instead, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have loved cats.

However, according to Islamic scholars, the general ruling on cats is that they are permissible to keep as long as they are treated well and given proper care.

This means that if you’re thinking about getting a cat, you should ensure that you’re prepared to take on the responsibility of caring for it.

You can also learn about dogs on our latest blog post, is it haram to have a dog.

Things To Consider If You Have A Cat

According to Islam, there are a few things to keep in mind if you’re thinking about getting a cat.

First, you should ensure the cat will have a good life with you. This means providing it with food, water, shelter, and love. Cats are known for being independent animals, but they still need your care and attention.

Second, you should be aware of the Islamic rulings on animal welfare. Cats should be treated humanely and with kindness. This means that you should not abuse them or neglect their needs.

Third, you should be prepared to deal with the messes that cats can make. Cats are known for being tidy animals, but they can still make a mess from time to time. Be prepared to clean up after your cat and keep your home clean.

Fourth, you should be aware of the Islamic rulings on animal slaughter. If you plan to eat the meat of your cat, you should know that eating cats is not permitted in Islam.

Finally, you should consult with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar if you have any questions about the permissibility of keeping a cat as a pet. They will be able to provide you with guidance based on Islamic teachings.

Why Some Beleive It’s Haram To Have A Cat

Some Muslims believe that it is haram to have a cat as a pet because they consider cats to be “unclean” animals. This is because cats are known to kill small animals, such as rodents and birds.

Some Muslims also believe cats attract impure things, such as garbage and filth. For this reason, they believe that cats should not be kept in the home.

Finally, some Muslims believe that cats are not to be trusted because they are known to be independent animals. They argue that if a cat is not properly cared for, it could become a nuisance or even dangerous.

These are some of the reasons why some Muslims believe that it is haram to have a cat as a pet.

However, as we mentioned before, there is no explicit ruling on this in Islam. If you can take on the responsibility of caring for a cat and you treat it well, then there is no reason why you cannot have one as a pet.

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Reason Why We Allow Having A Cat

Cat are halal

The main reason why we allow having a cat is that in Quran or Hadith, there is no explicit ruling that says it is haram.

Cats are known to be independent animals, but they still need our care and attention. If we can take on the responsibility of caring for a cat and treating it well, then there is no reason we cannot have one as a pet.

In addition, the Islamic rulings on the animal welfare state that we should treat animals humanely and with kindness. This means that we should not abuse them or neglect their needs.

According to one hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), “Whoever is kind to the creatures of Allah is kind to himself.”

So, if we are kind to our cats and care for them, we are actually being kind to ourselves.

However, having a dog in the house is haram in Islam, but for a cat, it is not explicitly mentioned in Quran or Hadith. So, we can have a cat as our pet. But we should take good care of it and treat it with kindness.

Why Are Dogs Haram But Not Cats?

Dogs are considered haram in Islam because they are seen as impure animals. On the other hand, cats are seen as clean animals who could be kept in homes and were beloved by the Prophet Muhammad.

The saliva of dogs can be a source of infection, which is why it is not permissible to keep them in homes according to Islamic law. On the other hand, cats are seen as cleaner animals, and there is no clear evidence in Islamic teachings that cats should be avoided.

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Q. Is it haram to buy a cat?

A. No, it is not haram to buy a cat. Muslims are permissible to purchase a cat to keep as a pet.

Q. Is it haram to have a cat in the house?

A. No, it is not haram to have a cat in the house. Cats are generally considered “clean” animals and are halal (permissible) to keep in the house.

Q. Did the prophet Muhammad have a cat?

A. Yes, Prophet Muhammad had a cat named Muezza. He loved the cat and once cut off part of his cloak rather than disturb the cat who was sleeping on it.

Q. Is it haram to hate cats?

A. Prophet Muhammad loved cats and instructed his followers to treat them kindly. Therefore, hating cats is not advisable as it goes against Islamic teachings.

Q. Are cats haram?

A. No, cats are not haram, according to Islamic law. Cats were beloved by the Prophet Muhammad because they were clean animals and could be kept in homes.

Q. Cat is halal or haram?

A. Cats are considered halal according to Islamic law because the Prophet Muhammad loves cats and encourages people to take care of them.


There is no explicit ruling in Islam that says it is haram to have a cat as a pet. However, we should take on the responsibility of caring for our cats and treating them with kindness. If we can do this, then there is no reason why we cannot have a cat as a pet.

Thanks for reading! I hope this has been informative.

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