Is Tattoo Haram In Islam? (Answered With Proof)
One of the most controversial topics in the Muslim world is whether or not tattoos are permitted under Islamic law.
Nowadays, tattoos are becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages and cultures, including Muslims. While some believe that these body markings are forbidden in Islam, others take a more moderate stance and argue that tattoos are permissible.
If you’re also confused and searching, is tattoo haram in Islam, or are tattoos haram? This blog post will discuss the various interpretations of Islamic teachings to help you decide without violating the Islamic code of conduct.
Let’s dive right in and find out if tattoos are haram or halal with all the related information.

Is Tattoo Haram In Islam
Yes, tattooing is forbidden in Islam and considered haram. According to the Islamic religion, tattoos are believed to be an alteration of Allah’s creation, which is forbidden and considered a form of disrespect to Allah.
The Quran states, “Do not change the creation of Allah” (4:119). Many Islamic scholars interpret this verse to mean that changing the physical appearance of one’s body through tattooing is forbidden and haram.
Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to say “Allah has cursed the one who does tattoos and the one who has a tattoo done,”—recorded in Sahih Bukhari, narrated by Abu Juhayfah.
According to the above hadith and Quran verses, it is clearly mentioned that tattooing is not allowed in Islam, so everyone should try to stay away from this act.
Why Are Tattoos Haram But Not Piercings
Many people may wonder why tattoos are haram but no piercings. According to Islam, whatever hurts you and changes in Allah’s creation are strictly prohibited, including tattoos and piercings.
Tattoos are haram because it’s a change in Allah’s creation, taking unnecessary pain, and tattoo doesn’t make your wudu valid.
Any permanent changes you make to your body for fun or beauty are considered haram and unacceptable in Islam.
Also, getting a tattoo hurts your body, which is not allowed in Islam as it violates the concept of mercy and compassion.
Last but not least, when you wudu for Namaz after you get a tattoo, it doesn’t make your wudu valid. This is because the tattoo part doesn’t properly wet, and water can’t reach all the skin. This is why your wudu is invalid, and your Namaz may not be accepted.
Furthermore, only nose and ear piercings are allowed in Islam under certain conditions. But tattoos, even if they are small and don’t hurt, still change Allah’s creation, which is why it is haram.
Other piercings are harams like belly button piercing, tongue piercing, eyebrow piercing, and other body piercings. This is because it hurts your body and changes Allah’s creation which is not allowed in Islam.
Is Temporary Tattoo Haram In Islam
Some people may think that if they get a temporary tattoo, it will be halal, but this doesn’t seem right and is not allowed in Islam.
Temporary tattoos are still haram because it is also a change in Allah’s creation, and you should not change Allah’s creation according to Islam.
Moreover, temporary tattoos are made with chemicals that can harm your body and also hurt when applied to your skin, which is definitely not allowed in Islam.
The temporary tattoos last at least 3 weeks, so until then, your wudu is invalid, so it’s better to avoid them.
Is Getting Allah Tattoo Haram
Yes, getting an Allah tattoo is haram in Islam. It’s a change in Allah’s creation and disrespects Allah’s name.
Getting Allah tattoo is one of the biggest sins in Islam, it means you are disrespecting Allah and his creation, which is not allowed in Islam.
Furthermore, getting a tattoo of Allah means you disrespect your faith and the symbols of Islam.
Any physical changes in your body shouldn’t measure your love for Allah. The best way to show your love and respect for Allah is through prayer, fasting, and through following his commandments.
By tattooing Allah’s name, you are showing a lot of disrespect to your faith, which is why getting an Allah tattoo is haram in Islam.
Where In The Quran Does It Say Tattoos Are Haram
The Quran does not mention tattoos specifically, but several verses in the Quran indicate why tattoos are haram. So if you’re searching is tattoo haram in Quran, then the answer is yes.
For example, in the “Chapter of Women” (Surah An-Nisa) it is mentioned that Satan wants to mislead us with changes in Allah’s creation, including tattoos. (Verses 118 to 121)
Here are the exact words from the Quran: “I will certainly mislead them and delude them with empty hopes. Also, I will order them, and they will slit the ears of cattle1 and alter Allah’s creation.” And whoever takes Satan as a guardian instead of Allah has certainly suffered a tremendous loss.” (Verses 119)
Is Tattoo Haram For Shia
Yes, the answer is the same for Shia and Sunni Muslims. Tattoos are haram in Shia Islam too because it changes Allah’s creation. Shia Muslims also follow Quran and Hadiths, and both of these books suggest that getting tattoos is haram.
Is Tattoo Haram In Islam Sunni
Yes, tattoos are haram in Sunni Islam. The reason is that getting a tattoo changes Allah’s creation and disrespects Allah’s name. Moreover, getting a tattoo is a sin because it hurts the body and disrespects the symbols of Islam.
Shia and Sunni Muslims follow the same Quran and Hadiths, and both of these books suggest that getting tattoos is haram. So, the answer is the same for Shia and Sunni Islam.
Is Tattoo Haram In Islam Zakir Naik
Yes, according to Dr. Zakir Naik, tattoos are haram in Islam as they change Allah’s creation. He believes that getting a tattoo not only hurts the body but also disrespects the symbols of Islam.
Is Tattoo Haram In Islam Mufti Menk
Yes, according to Mufti Menk, tattooing is haram in Islam. He clearly says in his video that our body is by almighty Allah, and it should not have been tampered with in any way, including tattoos.
Mufti Menk answered the question in detail with the help of several Quran verses and Hadiths. You can watch his video below:
What To Do If You Already Have Tattoo Being A Muslim
If you already have a tattoo before being a Muslim or have done tattooing being a Muslim, then there’s nothing to worry about. You can seek forgiveness from Allah for your mistake and make dua that it will be removed in the best way.
You should try your best to remove it as soon as possible in a safe way. However, if you cannot do so for any reason, then it is okay, but make sure not to get any more tattoos in the future.
In the end, remember that Allah loves those who repent and turn towards Him, and He is the Most Merciful and Forgiving.
Are Semi Permanent Tattoos Haram
Yes, semi-permanent tattoos are haram in Islam as it is still a change in Allah’s creation. Furthermore, getting any kind of tattoo is a sin because it hurts the body and disrespects the symbols of Islam. So semi-permanent tattoos are still haram in Islam.
Are Lip Tattoos Haram
Yes, lip tattoos are haram in Islam. Any type of tattoo is haram in Islam because it changes Allah’s creation, hurts the body, and disrespects the symbols of Islam. So getting any tattoos, including lip tattoos is haram in Islam.
Note: If you’re also planning for Microblading, you can read here is Microblading haram.
Q. Can you pray with a tattoo in Islam?
Yes, you can pray with a tattoo in Islam, but it is best to remove it as soon as possible. You can ask Allah’s forgiveness and make dua to Him to remove it in the best way.
Q. Are there halal tattoos?
No, there are no halal tattoos, as any change in the body is considered haram in Islam. Hence, even if you find any halal tattoos, they are still not allowed as per Islamic teachings.
Q. What is the punishment for having a tattoo in Islam?
There is no specific punishment for having a tattoo mentioned in Quran or Hadiths. But as it’s stated haram, so it’s a sin, and one should seek Allah’s forgiveness for that. Otherwise Allah may punish them in the hereafter.
Q. Are 6 month tattoos haram?
Yes, 6 month tattoos are also haram in Islam, as any kind of change in Allah’s creation, either permanent or temporary is considered a sin in Islam. So, 6 months or any other temporary tattoos are still not allowed in Islam.
Q. Is it haram to get a tattoo then remove it?
Yes, it is still haram to get a tattoo and then remove it, as getting any kind of change in Allah’s creation is haram.
Q. Are all tattoos haram?
Yes, all tattoos are haram in Islam, as any kind of change in Allah’s creation is not allowed. So it’s a religious symbol or something else, but it is still considered haram.
Q. Is cosmetic tattoo haram?
Yes, cosmetic tattoos are also haram in Islam, as any kind of change in Allah’s creation is not allowed.
Q. Can you go to hajj with a tattoo?
Yes, you can go to hajj with a tattoo, but it’s best to remove it first if possible, as tattoos are not allowed in Islam. Also, you should make a niyyah (intention) to seek forgiveness from Allah for having a tattoo and never do it again in the future.
Tattoos are a very sensitive topic in Islam, and it is important to understand their implications. All Muslims must be aware that any change in Allah’s creation is strictly prohibited.
In conclusion, getting tattoos are haram in Islam, and one should seek forgiveness from Allah for their mistake if they already have a tattoo. Furthermore, one should try your best to remove the tattoo safely and never get any more tattoos in the future.
Note that Allah loves those who turn to Him, and He is the Most Merciful and Forgiving.
What do you say now, is tattoo haram in Islam? Share your opinion in the comment section below.
May Allah help us follow His teachings, bless us with His mercy, and forgive our mistakes. Ameen.