Is It Haram To Wear Ayatul Kursi Necklace?

Do you wear or thinking to wear an ayatul kursi necklace? Well, you are not the first person to think about it and certainly not the last.

Many people have this question in their mind about whether it is haram or halal to wear such a necklace.

Hence we’ve decided to put an end to this confusion and give a clear verdict on the matter is it haram to wear ayatul kursi necklace or not.

Is It Haram To Wear Ayatul Kursi Necklace

Is It Haram To Wear Ayatul Kursi Necklace

Wearing an ayatul kursi necklace is not haram, but certain conditions need to be fulfilled for it not to be haram.

The ayatul kursi is the 255th verse of the second chapter of the Holy Quran. It is regarded as one of the Quran’s most powerful verses because it contains many blessings.

That’s why many people want to wear it as a necklace so that they can benefit from its blessings. However, certain things need to be kept in mind.

The first and foremost condition is that you should not do anything haram in Islam just because you are wearing the ayatul kursi necklace. For example, if wearing such a necklace gives you a sense of superiority and makes you start to look down upon others, then it is haram.

Secondly, you should not wear the ayatul kursi necklace if you’re going to use it as a fashion statement. The Quran tells us to dress modestly and not to show off our wealth.

Third, if you’re going to the washroom, then you should remove the necklace. The reason for this is that when we relieve ourselves, we are in a state of impurity, and the Quran tells us not to pray or touch the Quran when we are in such a state.

Fourth, it is better if you don’t wear the ayatul kursi necklace all the time. It is better to take it off when you’re going to sleep or do some other activity that doesn’t require you to have it on.

Fifth, don’t depend on the ayatul kursi necklace for everything. The Quran tells us to put our trust in Allah and not rely on anything else. However, the necklace only has Quran surat, but some people might over-rely on it and think that as long as they wear it, Allah will protect them from everything. Even if you’ve ayatul kursi in your heart and don’t wear it as a necklace, that’s better.

Sixth, don’t think that by wearing the ayatul kursi necklace, you will achieve a high rank in Paradise. The Quran tells us that Paradise is only for those who have faith and do good deeds.

Seventh, don’t think that the ayatul kursi necklace has some magical powers and will protect you from the evil eye or black magic. The Quran tells us that only Allah has the power to protect us from such things. You can wear the necklace as a reminder of Allah’s power but don’t think that it has some magical properties.

Eighth, don’t give the ayatul kursi necklace to someone who is not Muslim. This is because they are not supposed to wear it, which might lead them to think Islam is a superstitious religion. Also, they might not take care of it or even throw it away.

Ninth, don’t wear the ayatul kursi necklace if it has any animations or pictures on it. The Quran tells us not to make images of animate things.

Tenth, don’t wear the ayatul kursi necklace if it is made of gold or silver. The Quran tells us not to wear such things. Also, it’s better to avoid necklaces that are very expensive because it might make you Proud and arrogant, which is not good.

Also, read is it haram to wear necklaces of any other types.

Benefits of wearing ayatul kursi necklace

Despite all the things that need to be kept in mind, wearing the ayatul kursi necklace still has many benefits.

Some of the benefits are:

It will help you to remember Allah and the Quran. Many people forget to do their daily Quran recitation, and by wearing the necklace, they will be constantly reminded of it.

It will help you to focus more on your prayers. The Quran tells us to focus on our prayers and not think about anything else when praying.

It will help you stay away from evil deeds. The Quran tells us to stay away from sin, and by wearing the necklace, you will be constantly reminded of it.

Also, the necklace helps you avoid anything that’s haram. For example, if you wear the necklace and someone tries to give you a haram drink, you will immediately refuse it.

The necklace also has a very calming and soothing effect. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

It is also a very good dua or prayer for protection. The Quran is a book of guidance, and by wearing the necklace, you are constantly seeking Allah’s guidance.

Lastly, it is a wonderful thing to wear. It makes you look more pious, and Allah loves those who are beautiful and pious.

If you’re a man and wearing earrings also read is it haram to wear earrings as a man.


Q. Is ayatul kursi necklace haram?

A. No, the ayatul kursi necklace is not haram. However, there are certain conditions where it can be haram. For example, if the necklace has a gold chain, or you start believing that it has some magical power or benefit.

Q. Can you wear ayatul kursi necklace in bathroom?

A. It is generally not recommended to wear the ayatul kursi necklace in the bathroom, as it becomes impure with water and other substances present in the bathroom.

Conclusion On Is it haram to wear ayatul kursi necklace

If you keep the things that need to be kept in mind while wearing the ayatul kursi necklace, there are many benefits. It is a beautiful thing to wear and will help you remember Allah and the Quran. It is also a very good dua or prayer for protection.

So if you want to wear the ayatul kursi necklace, go for it, but if you can’t take care of it, don’t wear it. Instead, focus on keeping the ayatul kursi in your heart and keep doing good deeds. Insha’Allah, Allah will bless you with His mercy and guidance. Ameen.

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