Is Google Stock Halal In Islam? (Yes/No)

Google is one of the biggest tech companies in the world, and its stock has been a popular investment for many years.

But for Muslim investors, it is important to know whether investing in Google stock is halal or haram according to Islamic law.

In this article, we’ll briefly answer is Google stock halal or haram and discuss the various opinions that exist on this question.

Is Google Stock Halal

Is Google Stock Halal?

The simple answer is that while most Islamic thinkers believe investing in Google stock is halal, some do not.

There’s no clear-cut answer because investing in stocks can involve various activities like products, earning sources, gambling, speculation, and interest-based transactions.

In order to determine if Google stock is halal or haram, one must consider all of these factors. And Google is very much involved in many different activities, making it difficult to answer this question definitively.

First and foremost, the product Google offers must be considered. Google is involved in various products and services, most of which are halal according to Islamic law.

These products and services include search engines, online advertising, cloud storage, YouTube video streaming, and more.

The earnings source must also be taken into account. Google earns its money primarily from advertising, and some of these ads may feature products or services that are considered haram (like gambling or haram drinks).

However, it also earns money from halal ads, Cloud storage, and other services.

This means that Google earns halal and haram money, which is why Islamic thinkers have different opinions.

Finally, it is important to consider whether investing in Google stock constitutes gambling or speculation. According to our research, in this case, Google stock is a legitimate investment that does not involve gambling or speculation.

But in conclusion, considering all the factors, it can be said that investing in Google stock may be halal or haram, depending on your thoughts.

According to Musaffa Acadamy’s calculation, it is halal to invest in Google stock as it passes their criteria of halal investing.

If you ask our opinion, we believe you should avoid investing in Google stock, as other more Halal investment options are available.

As Islam teaches, in whatever you doubt about the involvement of Haram, it’s always better to avoid and find a Halal alternative.

You can also read about other big companies stock: is Tesla stock halal or is Apple stock halal.

Why Avoid Investing In Google Stock?

There are several reasons why there is no clear answer as to whether or not investing in Google stock is halal.

However, one of the main reasons is Google earning sources. Although Google has several products and services, knowing which ones are Islamic-compliant is difficult.

But the Ads revenue is probably the main source of income which may not be halal. Google generates most of its revenue through advertising on Youtube and Google, which involves promoting haram food, products, or services.

Therefore, it is best to avoid investing in Google stock if you are a Muslim and want to ensure that your investments are Islamic-compliant.

You can also read is day trading haram.


Q. Is Google stock Shariah compliant?

A. No, there is a different opinion about Google stock being halal or haram. Therefore, it is not necessarily shariah compliant.

Q. Is investing in Google halal?

A. It is very difficult to answer this question definitively. Some Islamic scholars believe investing in Google stock may be halal, while others do not agree. Therefore, you should avoid investing in Google stock if you are unsure.

Q. Is Google haram?

A. Google itself is not haram, but if you ask to invest in its stock, it depends. Google has a variety of products and services, some of which may not be in line with Islamic principles. Therefore it is best to avoid investing in Google stock as there is no clear consensus among Islamic scholars as to whether it is halal or haram.

Also read about Amazon, is Amazon stock halal or haram.


In conclusion, it is difficult to answer this question definitively. Therefore, it is best to avoid investing in Google stock unless you are certain that it does not involve haram activities.

This can help you stay safe and abide by Islamic law.

We hope this article has been helpful in answering the question is Google stock halal or haram. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

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