Is It Haram To Celebrate Friendship Day In Islam?

Friendship day is a celebration of the bond between friends. It is celebrated worldwide in different forms but with the same intention of celebrating friendship.

However, when it comes to Islam, a religion widely practiced worldwide, there are mixed opinions on whether celebrating such events is haram or not.

In this blog post, we will answer is it haram to celebrate friendship day and discuss the different perspectives of Islamic scholars.

Is It Haram To Celebrate Friendship Day

Is It Haram To Celebrate Friendship Day?

Yes, it is haram to celebrate friendship day according to Islamic teachings. There is no concept of this day in the Islamic faith, and it is celebrated every year, which the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not encourage.

The Prophet once said anything celebrated every year, like birthdays or anniversaries, is from the customs of other nations and should be avoided.

Also, by celebrating Friendship day, Muslims could be viewed as celebrating something that is not encouraged by their religion, which could lead to a negative perception of Islam in the eyes of others.

According to Islamic scholars, if you have a best friend in your life, it should not be celebrated by dedicating a day of celebration to them. Instead, you can show your affection and love for them through small acts of kindness and gestures every time.

Further, if you celebrate friendship day, you should avoid any activities that are against Islamic teachings. This includes not wearing clothing or participating in events that could be seen as inappropriate or offensive. All these things are common nowadays, so you must stay away from them.

You can also read is it haram to be friends with the opposite gender if you have one.

Alternatives To Celebrating Friendship Day

There are plenty of other ways to show your appreciation for your friends without celebrating friendship day. Some of them include the following:

  • Pray for your friends regularly.
  • Send them a special gift such as flowers or chocolates.
  • Show appreciation for the things that your friends do for you.
  • Spend quality time with your friends and share the joys of life together.
  • Offer words of encouragement and support whenever they need it.
  • Let your friends know that you are there for them no matter what.

Note: Don’t take this day as friendship day, you should do the above things on any other day too.

Do you also have non muslim friends? If so, you must read is it haram to be friends with a non muslim.


Q. Is it allowed to celebrate Friendship Day in Islam?

Answer: No, it is not allowed to celebrate Friendship Day in Islam as there is no concept of this day in the Islamic faith, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not encourage it.

Q. What Islam says about friendship?

Answer: The Qur’an and the Hadith encourage Muslims to be kind, loving, and supportive of their friends. Maintaining strong, honest, and loyal relationships with all friends is important. Muslims should strive to be trustworthy companions and help each other in times of need. You should be respectful, generous, and mindful of your friends feelings. Friendship is a beautiful blessing from Allah, and it should be cherished and valued.

Q. Is friendship day haram?

Answer: Yes, it is haram to celebrate friendship day according to Islamic teachings. Friendship Day is not a special day in the Islamic faith and is therefore not encouraged by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is important to remember that Islam does not encourage idolizing any specific figure or entity, instead emphasizing building relationships between people based on mutual respect and understanding.

Q. Can Muslim celebrate friendship day?

Answer: No, Muslims are not encouraged to celebrate friendship day as it is haram according to Islamic teachings.

Q. Is celebrating friendship day allowed in Islam?

Answer: No, celebrating friendship day is not allowed in Islam as it is considered haram. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not encourage the celebration of such days.

See also is it haram to not talk to your family.


It is not recommended to celebrate friendship day as it is not encouraged in Islam. However, there are plenty of other ways to show your appreciation for your friends and let them know you care about them without celebrating friendship day.

Remember to be kind, loving, and supportive of your friends and show appreciation for what they do for you.

We hope this blog post has helped answer the question, is it haram to celebrate friendship day? If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.

May Allah bless you and your friends with happiness and love! Ameen.

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