Is Suicide Haram In Islam?
Suicide is a difficult and emotional topic and one that brings up many complex questions related to faith and morality.
One of the biggest questions that many Muslims struggle with is whether or not suicide is haram (forbidden in Islam).
This is because we heard that Allah will never forgive someone who commits suicide, but is this really true?
This blog post aims to answer is suicide haram in Islam by looking at the evidence from the Quran and Sunnah and considering various interpretations of Islamic scholars.

Is Suicide Haram?
Yes, Islam holds that suicide is haram (forbidden) and a major sin. This is based on the Quran and hadith, which both indicate that it’s a major sin.
The Quran states: “And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful” (Quran 4:29 – Surah An-Nisa)
This verse serves as a clear prohibition against taking one’s own life, as it explicitly orders Muslims to “not kill yourselves [or one another].”
In addition, the hadith also warns against suicide: The Prophet said, “He who commits suicide by throttling shall keep on throttling himself in the Hell Fire (forever), and he who commits suicide by stabbing himself shall keep on stabbing himself in the Hell-Fire.” (Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 23, Hadith Number 446 – Narrated By Abu Huraira)
This hadith makes it clear that suicide is an act of disobedience to Allah and will be punished accordingly. Therefore, it is haram to commit suicide as it doesn’t fit with the teachings of Islam.
Also, if you ask what is the punishment for suicide in Islam, then you should know that Allah in Quran in Surah An-Nisa 4:30 refers to suicide and say “And whoever does this sinfully and unjustly, We will burn them in the Fire. That is easy for Allah.”
This verse suggests that those who commit suicide will be punished in the afterlife for their actions.
Also, this indicates that, as we all know, Allah is very merciful and loves to forgive us, but He will not forgive those who commit suicide. This is because their time of forgiveness has already passed, and therefore they will be punished for their actions in the hereafter.
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Why Is Suicide Haram?
Suicide is haram because it goes against the teachings of Islam. It is an act of disobedience to Allah, and he is believed to not forgive those who commit suicide.
Also, suicide can lead to great pain and suffering for those left behind. This includes grief, depression, guilt, anger, shame, and confusion as they are left to deal with the aftermath of this act.
If a person suicide seems that they don’t care about the feelings of their family, their friends, and society, then that indicates a lack of empathy or compassion for other people.
Besides all this, they are not trusting Allah and His plans. They are trying to escape the hardships of this life without understanding that Allah has a plan for them and they should trust Him.
Therefore, it is important to remember that suicide is a major sin in Islam and that instead of resorting to this act, one should turn to Allah in times of hardship and seek help from those around them.
You can also learn is abortion haram.
What If A Person Suicide Due To Depression?
As we know, depression is a very serious subject and can lead to suicidal thoughts.
But when it comes to Islamic views about suicide due to depression, it does not make a difference.
Allah’s commandments and rules are the same for everyone, and suicide is still haram (forbidden) even in this case.
It is important to remember that suicide is not the only option, and even though we may be going through difficult times, Allah will help us if we turn to Him in prayer and supplication.
In depression, people think they have lost everything, but that is not true. We should remember that Allah has promised us in the Quran to give us things far greater than what we have lost if only we turn to Him.
Everything will be alright with time, and Allah will provide us with a better life if we turn to Him.
However, if you’re also into depression, then here are some tips to help you out.
Tips To Overcome Depression According To Islamic Teachings
Being Muslim, we should always remember that Allah is with us no matter what. Here are some tips that you can use to overcome depression according to Islamic teachings:
Have Faith in Allah: It is important to have faith and trust in Allah during difficult times. He will not leave your side if you seek Him out.
Pray the Five Daily Prayers: Prayer is an integral part of Islam and one of the best remedies for depression. It helps to keep your mind focused on Allah and away from negative thoughts.
Listen to Islamic Lectures: Listening to lectures and talks by scholars can help you gain more knowledge about the religion, which in turn can help lift your mood.
Help Others: Helping others in need is also a great way to overcome depression. Not only does it make you feel good about yourself, it can also help remind you of how much Allah has blessed you with.
Spend Time With Family and Friends: Spending time with family and friends can be a great distraction from negative thoughts and provide emotional support.
Exercise and Eat Healthy: Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help to boost your energy levels and provide positive stimulation.
Perform Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah): Dhikr is the practice of remembering Allah in our daily lives by repeating phrases such as “SubhanAllah” (Glory be to God). This helps us to focus on the good things and keep our minds away from negative thoughts.
Look At Things You’re Grateful For: It is important to take time each day to reflect on the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us, as this can help lift our spirits and bring joy into our lives.
These are some of the tips to overcome depression according to Islamic teachings, so if you are dealing with depression, then you should try out these tips.
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Q. What is the punishment for suicide in Islam?
A. Allah in Quran in Surah An-Nisa 4:30 refers to suicide and says “And whoever does this sinfully and unjustly, We will burn them in the Fire. That is easy for Allah.” This verse suggests that those who commit suicide will be punished in the afterlife for their actions.
Q. What does Islam say about depression?
A. Islam doesn’t promote depression. Instead, it emphasizes the need to be patient and strong during hard times and seek help from Allah in terms of prayer and supplication.
Q. Can I pray for death in Islam?
A. No, you cannot pray for death in Islam as this goes against the teachings of the religion and is haram (forbidden). Instead, one should turn to Allah in prayer and supplication and try to cope with whatever hardship they are going through.
We can conclude that suicide is haram in Islam for many reasons. It goes against the teachings of the religion and shows a lack of trust in Allah’s plans. Also, it can lead to great pain and suffering for those left behind.
Therefore, it is important to remember that suicide is not an option, and instead one should turn to Allah in times of hardship and seek help from those around them.
There are many tips to overcome depression according to Islamic teachings that one can use in order to lift their mood.
Lastly, always remember that Allah is with you no matter what, and He will provide you with a better life if only we turn to Him.
I hope your query is suicide haram is solved with tips to deal with depression. May Allah give us the strength to fight all our worries and issues. Ameen!