Islamic Quiz With Answers

Do you know your Islamic knowledge? Take this Islamic Quiz and find out.

Here is a list of multiple choice questions about different facets of Islam, including beliefs, rituals, practices, and more.

Additionally, we’ve also shared answers with the reason for each question to help you understand why the specific answer is correct.

So let’s check your Islamic knowledge.

Islamic Quiz With Answers
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Q1: Who is known as the “Father of the Prophets”?

Answer: C) Abraham (AS).

Explanation: Prophet Abraham (AS) is often referred to as the “Father of the Prophets” due to his prominent role in monotheism.

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Q2: What is the first month of the Islamic calendar?

Answer: C) Muharram.

Explanation: Muharram is the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

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Q3: Which prophet is known for his patience during trials and tribulations?

Answer: B) Job (Ayyub) (AS).

Explanation: Prophet Job (Ayyub) (AS) is renowned for his remarkable patience in the face of severe tests and hardships.

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Q4: What is the number of Ayat (verses) in Surah Al-Fatiha?

Answer: B) 7.

Explanation: Surah Al-Fatiha consists of 7 verses.

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Q5: Which companion of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is known as the “Lion of God”?

Answer: C) Ali (RA).

Explanation: Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) is often referred to as the “Lion of God” for his courage and devotion.

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Q6: What is the name of the place where the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) made his Night Journey and Ascension?

Answer: C) Jerusalem.

Explanation: The Night Journey and Ascension took place in Jerusalem.

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Q7: Which wife of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was known as the “Mother of the Believers”?

Answer: B) Khadijah (RA).

Explanation: Khadijah (RA) holds the title of “Mother of the Believers” due to her special status as the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

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Q8: Which Surah of the Quran is known as the “Heart of the Quran”?

Answer: C) Surah Ya-Sin.

Explanation: Surah Ya-Sin is referred to as the “Heart of the Quran” due to its central themes and profound message.

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Q9: Which angel is responsible for blowing the trumpet on the Day of Judgment?

Answer: A) Angel Israfil (AS).

Explanation: Angel Israfil (AS) is tasked with blowing the trumpet to signal the Day of Judgment..

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Q10: What is the significance of Laylat al-Qadr?

Answer: C) The Night of Decree.

Explanation: Laylat al-Qadr is the Night of Decree, when the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

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Q11: Which prophet is known as the “Friend of Allah”?

Answer: B) Abraham (AS)

Explanation: Prophet Abraham (AS) is referred to as the “Friend of Allah” due to his close relationship with God.

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Q12: Which companion of the Prophet (SAW) is known as the “Sword of Allah”?

Answer: B) Khalid ibn Walid (RA)

Explanation: Khalid ibn Walid (RA) earned the title “Sword of Allah” for his military prowess.

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Q13: Which battle is known for the miraculous intervention of angels on behalf of the Muslims?

Answer: B) Battle of Badr

Explanation: The Battle of Badr witnessed the intervention of angels to support the Muslims against their enemies.

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Q14: In which month did the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) receive the first revelation from Allah?

Answer: C) Ramadan

Explanation: The first revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) occurred during the month of Ramadan.

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Q15: Which Prophet is associated with the construction of the Ark to save believers from a great flood?

Answer: B) Prophet Noah (AS)

Explanation: Prophet Noah (AS) built the Ark to save believers from the great flood.

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