Is Sufism Haram In Islam? (Yes/No)

Sufism, or Tasawwuf, is a mystical Islamic belief and practice that seeks to find divine truth through the direct personal experience of God.

It is considered an unorthodox interpretation of Islam and is often seen as an extension of orthodox Islamic teachings.

Some Muslims have practiced Sufism for centuries, yet it remains controversial, especially when viewed through the lens of traditional Islamic law.

In this article, we will clearly answer is Sufism haram or halal in Islam and discuss its teachings and legal status. Let’s clear the doubt.

Is Sufism Haram

Is Sufism Haram?

In short, the answer is no. Sufism itself is not haram in Islam and has been recognized as a legitimate form of Islamic practice for centuries.

However, Sufism in today’s time is largely misunderstood and has been blended with mysticism, superstition, and folk religions. Hence it can be haram if it involves any illegal things blessed by Sufis or any kind of shirk.

If Sufism is for getting closer to Allah and following His teachings, it is halal. It should be noted here that the Sufis also need to abide by the principles of Islam, as every Muslim does.

If you involve in wrong practices in the name of Sufism, then it is certainly haram and should be avoided.

Such as some Sufis even accept dancing, music, and other non-Islamic practices as part of their practice. Islamic scholars strongly reject this, and it must be avoided.

So, this totally depends on your approach and the type of Sufism you practice. If it involves any kind of shirk or non-Islamic practices, then it is haram; otherwise, it is halal.

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Why Is Sufism Haram?

Sufism is haram when it involves any kind of shirk or non-Islamic practices. Shirk means associating partners with Allah, the biggest sin in Islamic law.

In today’s time, some Sufis even give hadith or Quranic verses on their own to cure physical or mental sickness. This is also not allowed in Islam and must be avoided.

Most of the famous Sufi saints have themselves rejected such activities. For example, Hazrat Junayd Baghdadi said, “Do not believe anyone who claims miracle-working power.”

So, it is important to be aware of and avoid such activities to save yourself from any sin.

Why Is Sufism Halal?

Sufism is halal when it is practiced according to the Quranic teachings and Islamic laws. It should be kept in mind that Sufism is a spiritual journey and not just a set of rituals.

Therefore, it is important to focus on the core message of Sufism and avoid any kind of superstition or mysticism.

Sufis should engage in activities such as focusing on Namaz, reflecting on the Quran and Hadith, extra prayer, and zikr. These activities are allowed in Islam and can help a person connect with God.

Furthermore, Sufis should avoid any kind of non-Islamic practices, such as worshipping graves or idols. In fact, this is strongly prohibited in Islam and must be avoided.

Therefore, if you are following the true teachings of Sufism and avoid any kind of shirk or non-Islamic practices, then it is halal.

You can also read is lofi music haram.


Q. Is sufi haram?

A. Sufism itself is not haram in Islam, but if it involves any kind of shirk or non-Islamic practices, then it is haram.

Q. Is Sufism a part of Islam?

A. Sufism is a mystical Islamic belief and practice that seeks to find divine truth through the direct personal experience of God. It is considered an unorthodox interpretation of Islam and is often seen as an extension of orthodox Islamic teachings.

Q. Do Sufis believe in Allah?

A. Sufis believe in Allah and strive to connect with Him through spiritual practices such as prayer and meditation. They also show faith in Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) teachings and abide by Islamic laws.

Q. Is Sufism Sunni or Shia?

A. Most Sufis are Sunni Muslims. Although, some Shia Muslims also practice Sufism and consider it as a part of their faith.

Q. Is Sufism a shirk?

A. If Sufism involves any kind of haram or non-Islamic practices, then it is shirk.

Q. What does the Quran say about Sufism?

A. The Quran does not mention “Sufism,” but encourages Muslims to strive for faith and spiritual closeness with God.

Q. Is sufism shirk?

A. No, Sufism itself is not shirk, but it can contain elements of shirk if it veers away from the Islamic teachings. Sufism is a mystical branch of Islam that emphasizes spirituality and personal connection with God. However, in todays time, people misunderstand the concept of sufism, which makes it shirk.

Q. Is sufism allowed in Islam?

A. Yes, sufism is allowed in Islam if it is done in terms of the teachings and guidelines set by the Quran and Hadith. However, todays sufism is often misguided with superstitions and deviates from the original idea of sufism, which makes it shirk and haram.

Q. Do sufis believe in the quran?

A. Yes, Sufis believe in the Quran and Hadith, just like all Muslims do. They have a deep awe of Allah and His words, which is reflected in their understanding of the scriptures. However, some Sufi orders include additional texts such as poetry or stories that are not found in traditional Islamic sources, which is discouraged in Islam.

Q. Is tasawwuf haram?

A. Tasawwuf itself is not haram, but it can be subject to misuse if it contradicts the Islamic teachings and principles found in the Quran and Hadith.

Q. Is sufism part of Islam?

A. Sufism is a mystical path within Islam that is not necessary to practice for all Muslims but is accepted by many as a valid way of drawing closer to Allah through spirituality and mysticism.

If you kiss the Quran, you can also read is it haram to kiss the quran.


To sum up, Sufism is not haram in Islam if it involves only Islamic practices. However, if it involves any kind of shirk or non-Islamic activities, then it is haram.

Therefore, it is important to follow the true teachings of Sufism and practice it according to the principles of Islam.

We hope this article has helped you understand is Sufism haram or halal in Islam.

May Allah guide us all on the right path. Ameen!

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