Is It Haram To Be Depressed? (Depression In Islam)
Is depression haram in Islam: Depression is a mental health disorder that affects an individual ability to cope with life, manage emotions and handle everyday stressors. If left untreated, it can have devastating consequences for an individual’s physical and emotional wellbeing.
In today’s world, depression is increasingly common, with many people struggling to cope. While in the West, treatments such as therapy and medication are available to help ease the symptoms of depression, in some countries such as the Middle East, there is a lack of recognition and, thus, support for those suffering from mental health conditions.
Well, what does Islam say about depression? Is it Haram to be depressed?
If you’re a Muslim and struggling with depression, it’s important to understand how Islam views this condition. In this article, we’ll discuss the Islamic view on depression and what strategies you can use to cope with it.

Is It Haram To Be Depressed?
Islam doesn’t say that depression is Haram but instead offers advice on how to cope with depression in a religious and healthy way. Because if you don’t get back to Allah and the right path, depression can make you do haram things where you’ll end up hurting yourself and other people.
Hence, Islam always says not to dwell on any negative feelings for too long and encourages Muslims to prioritize mental health.
Depression is viewed as something that should be recognized and treated in the same way any other disease is.
So we can say Islam does not regard depression as Haram but also encourages people to seek treatment if they are struggling with their mental health.
In hadith, it’s stated Allah (SWT) doesn’t like to see people broken and depressed. Instead, Allah (SWT) encourages us to ask for help from him and to seek medical attention if needed.
If you get Suicide thoughts being in depression, you can also read is suicide haram.
How To Deal With Depression In Islam
In Islam, there are various strategies to help cope with depression. If you’re feeling depressed or sad, here are a few things you can do:
1. The first step is to remember that Allah (SWT) does not burden any person beyond what they can bear and that one should make dua (supplication) to Him for support.
In Quran chapter 2, verse 286, Allah (SWT) states:
“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear; for it is what it has earned, and against it what it has brought upon itself.”
“We will test you with a certain amount of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and life and fruits. But give glad tidings to those who are patient.” (Quran 2:155)
If you understand this one hadith, it can be of great help in dealing with depression. We would recommend you memorize this hadith to help remind yourself that Allah (SWT) knows our struggles and is with us in times of difficulty.
2. Try to increase your ibadah (worship) of Allah (SWT). Prayer, especially 5 times Namaz and Salah, is highly recommended for dealing with depression. The purpose of prayer in Islam is not just to ask for worldly things but to connect with God and His mercy.
3. Regularly recite surahs (verses) from the Quran. Surahs, such as Al-Fatihah, Al-Ikhlas, and Al-Falaq are some of the most effective ways to help with depression. Reading these surahs can uplift your spirit, increase feelings of gratitude and help you gain more clarity about your situation.
Along with reciting these surahs, also understand the meaning of the verses. This can help you gain a better understanding of Allah (SWT)’s guidance and mercy and make it easier to cope and overcome depression.
If you’ve more time, you can also start understanding Quran from the beginning with Tafseer (explanation). It gives a deeper understanding of Allah (SWT)’s word, and you’ll better understand life.
4. Regularly perform sunnah and Nawafil (voluntary) prayers. Sunnah and Nawafil are not just physical exercises but also spiritual. In addition to physical benefits, these prayers will help in connecting with Allah (SWT).
5. Recite and listen to nasheeds (Nazm). Nasheeds are poems of praise for Allah (SWT), which can be used to inspire, motivate and give peace of mind.
6. Help others in need or perform charity (Sadaqah) to increase your feeling of contentment and happiness.
7. Be happy with what you have and be thankful to Allah (SWT). If you keep thinking about someone having more than you, it’ll make you feel worse. Hence, be thankful to Allah (SWT) for what he has given you, and start counting your blessings.
8. Eat healthy food, exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep, as it is extremely important for both physical and mental well-being. Maintaining a good self-care routine is also a sunnah in Islam.
These are the few things that are recommended to do in Islam to deal with depression. It’s important to remember that sadness or feeling of depression can be a sign of Allah (SWT) calling you to seek help and support. So instead of pushing yourself aside, always ask for help from Allah (SWT) and seek medical attention if needed.
Note: In depression, if you’re thinking of cutting off your family, you must first read is it haram to cut off family.
Why Islamic Teachings Is Best To Deal With Depression
When it comes to dealing with depression, Islamic teachings offer the best remedy and guidance. The Quran is full of verses that are relevant to our current times and can be of great help in dealing with depression.
The teachings of Islam focus on having a positive outlook toward life, being patient, and having full faith in Allah (SWT). It encourages us to be mindful of our physical, mental, and spiritual health. We are encouraged to make dua (supplication) and remember that Allah (SWT) is with us during difficult times.
In 2020, a German psychologist conducted a study on happiness and anxiety levels in the UK on more than 67000 people. The findings revealed that people who believe in religion are most satisfied and happy.
Further, when they deep dive considering all the religions, Muslims are found to be the happiest as compared to other religious groups.
The second was Christian, but the level of happiness among them was significantly lower than among Muslims. The study concluded that Islamic teachings promote positive attitudes and good life habits, which are beneficial for mental health and happiness.
So if you’re a Muslim and still facing depression, then you might have lost the connection with Allah (SWT). You need to reconnect and start following the teachings of Islam.
Making Duas, reciting Quran 5 times prayer, and performing sunnah activities will definitely help you in dealing with depression. You just need to have faith that Allah (SWT) is listening to your dua, and things will eventually get better, InshaAllah.
Always remember, “No matter what, do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah (SWT)” and He will send His help by your side soon.
If you don’t get back to Allah and be in depressed for a long, that’s when it becomes Haram. Because this is the time when most people start doing haram things like drinking haram drinks, getting physical with someone, committing suicide, etc, which eventually harms themselves and the people around them.
Also see is lucid dreaming haram.
Is Being Depressed Haram?
No, being depressed itself is not haram. But if you do not take steps to manage your depression, it can lead you down the wrong path and eventually into haram activities like suicide, wasting time and prayers.
Depression is a mental illness that affects many people. It is common to feel sad, down, or helpless at times, and this is usually normal.
But when these feelings persist for an extended period of time and become overwhelming, then it could be a sign of depression.
The Muslim faith encourages Muslims to seek help from Allah (SWT) in all matters. Islam don’t deny that depression exists and can make it harder to find solace in the faith, but it also recognizes that depression is a real illness and needs to be treated.
So while being depressed is not haram, staying depressed for an extended period of time without seeking help could lead to some haram activities taking place.
Being a man, if you keep long hair, you should read is it haram for a man to have long hair.
Q. Is depression haram?
Answer: No, depression is not Haram, as it’s a result of a mental disorder. However, Islam always encourages getting back to the right path according to Islamic teaching and being mindful of mental health.
Q. Is it Haram to be sad?
Answer: No, it’s not Haram to be sad, and it’s a natural emotion that all humans experience from time to time. However, it should not be prolonged, as Allah has said to seek His help and ask for forgiveness in difficult times instead of getting lost in sadness.
Q. Is it Haram to take depression pills?
Answer: It’s not Haram to take depression pills as long as it is prescribed by a doctor and it’s in accordance with Islamic teachings. Taking medicine for physical and mental health problems is allowed in Islam when there’s no other remedy or cure possible. However, being a Muslim, if you need to take depression pills, it means you’re not following the Islamic teachings properly, and it’s time to get back on the right path.
Q. Dua for depression in Islam?
Answer: According to Quran, the best and most effective dua for depression is this;
“My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good outcome and make me satisfied with it”.
This dua can be found in the Quran, Chapter 40: Verse 44. It is a dua to be repeated at least three times in the morning and evening. It is recommended that one supplicate this dua with a sincere heart and with complete trust in Allah (SWT). This dua can provide immense peace of mind during times of distress and tribulations.
Q. Why did Allah give me depression?
Answer: Allah tests us in different ways, and depression is one of them. It can be a test to see how much faith you have in Allah (SWT) and how strong your commitment to Islam. Allah (SWT) has no intention of giving you depression, but He does want you to find new and improved ways to build a strong connection with Him and uplift your faith.
Q. How to deal with depression in Islam?
Answer: The best way to deal with depression in Islam is to turn towards Allah (SWT) and seek His help. This can be done by reciting Quranic verses, making duas, performing salah and sunnah activities, being mindful of Islamic teachings, etc.
Q. How does Islam Help depression?
Answer: Islam helps depression in many ways. It teaches us that Allah is always there to help us, and He will never leave our side if we seek His help. Islam also provides us with duas, Quran 5 times prayer, and dua to help us in times of distress. Through these means, we learn how to deal with depression in a better way and build a strong connection with Allah (SWT).
Q. How do Muslims deal with anxiety and depression?
Answer: Muslims deal with anxiety and depression by turning towards Allah (SWT) and seeking His help. This can be done through reciting Quran, making duas, performing salah and sunnah activities, being mindful of Islamic teachings, etc. Muslims also rely on reminders from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and his sayings, which provide comfort in times of distress.
Q. Is being depressed a sin in Islam?
Answer: No, being depressed is not a sin in Islam. But if you keep yourself in a state of depression, it becomes a bad habit and can lead you to sins.
Q. Is depression a test from Allah?
Answer: Yes, the Quran states that Allah tests people with different kinds of difficulties. It is possible that depression could be one of these tests, and it is up to you how you tackle this test.
In conclusion, while depression is not Haram and is a natural emotion that all humans experience from time to time but if it is prolonged or served, it can lead to haram activities.
So always remember to turn towards Allah (SWT) and seek His help, recite Quran, make duas and engage in activities which you like and find comfort in. Everyone has the ability to fight depression with resilience and determination, InshaAllah.
I hope you get an answer is it haram to be depressed in detail with an Islamic solution. May Allah (SWT) grant us the strength to remain steadfast in our faith and help us through all difficulties. Ameen.