Is Inghams Chicken Halal? (All Clear)
Is Inghams chicken halal? This is a question that many Muslims from Australia and New Zealand have asked.
The Inghams chicken has no clear statement on its webpage or packaging, whether it is halal or haram, which can lead to confusion and questions.
Although Ingham chicken is one of the most popular brands of chicken in Australia and New Zealand. But for Muslims, it is important to know if the meat they consume is allowed to be halal.
In this article, we will clear the confusion and answer is Ingham chicken halal or not with proof. We will also share a quick guide to identifying halal chicken from the supermarket.

Is Inghams Chicken Halal
In short, Inghams chicken is not halal. The company does not have any halal certification or statement on its website or packaging that it is halal.
Even by asking them directly, they simply said non of their chickens are halal certified.
In the recent talk with Inghams Chicken, we found that only the Osborne Park Factory is halal certified. Hence, if you get the chicken from this factory, it is halal.
But not all other factories of Inghams Chicken are halal certified. Therefore, buying chicken from other factories is not recommended as they might not be following the halal requirements.
Although Osborne Park also uses machine slaughtered chicken, it follows the halal requirements. The machine operator says the Islamic pray “bismillah” (in the name of Allah) before starting the machine, and also, the blade is shaped and checked before starting the machine.
Whether you’re in Australia or New Zealand and looking for halal chicken from Inghams, buying only from the Osborne Park factory is recommended. Otherwise, you should not buy Inghams chicken from other factories.
None of their chicken is halal certified, so we cannot say that the Inghams chicken is halal.
You can also read is Church’s Chicken halal.
Why Is Inghams Chicken Not Halal?
The main reason Ingham Chicken is not halal is that it doesn’t have any approved certification. Hence, the slaughtering process of Inghams chicken is also not according to Islamic rules and regulations.
Any company that serves any nonveg product needs to get approval from the Islamic authority in order to be certified halal. It is a must because it ensures that the meat is slaughtered according to Islamic rules and regulations.
Inghams Chicken hasn’t got any such halal certification, so it cannot be considered halal.
Even the company has not specified whether they use a halal way of slaughtering or not, and that’s why it is better to avoid buying Inghams chicken from any factories.
As you all know, chicken and meat are consumed more by Muslims as compared to other foods. So the company that sells chicken or any other non-veg items must get the halal certification and give a statement of being halal to acquire more customers.
But, Inghams Chicken has not taken such steps to get them halal. That’s why it cannot be considered halal, and Muslims should avoid buying their products.
If you’re confused about dave’s hot chicken halal status, you can read is dave’s hot chicken halal.
Quick Guide To Identifying Halal Chicken
So far, we have discussed the halal status of Inghams Chicken. Now, if you want to buy halal chicken from the supermarket, here is a quick guide that can help you find it:
1. Check for the halal logo on the packaging of the chicken. It should indicate which authority has certified it as halal.
2. Look for a statement that the chicken is hand slaughtered, as this method is recommended in Islam for slaughtering any animal. Even if machine-slaughtered, it should have been done according to Islamic rules and regulations.
3. Ask the butcher in the supermarket if they know about the halal certification of the chicken they sell.
4. Check if there is any statement on the particular brand’s social media or website about the halal status of the chicken.
By following these steps, you can easily identify whether the chicken is halal or not.
If you like Prime drink, you can read is Prime haram.
Q. Is Ingham’s Roast Chicken halal?
A. Unfortunately, no, it’s not halal. Ingham’s does not have any halal certification or statement on its website or packaging that it is halal.
Q. Where is Ingham chicken from?
A. Ingham is an Australian owned and operated company with production facilities in Australia and New Zealand.
Q. Is Ingham Chicken halal 2023?
A. Ingham Chicken is not halal in 2023. The company has not taken any steps to get a halal certification, so it cannot be considered a halal product.
Q. Is Ingham’s chicken tenders halal?
A. No, Ingham’s chicken tenders are not halal. The chicken used in the tenders is not halal certified.
Q. Is Inghams chicken halal Nz?
A. No, Inghams chicken is not halal in New Zealand. Only the Osborne Park Factory is halal certified.
Q. Is Inghams chicken halal in Australia?
A. No, Inghams chicken is not halal in Australia. Only the Osborne Park Factory is halal certified.
Inghams chicken is not halal. The company does not have any halal certification or statement on its website or packaging that it is halal.
Also by the offline sources, we found that only the Osborne Park Factory is halal certified. All the other factories of Inghams Chicken don’t care about halal requirements and hence are not halal.
I hope your search for is Inghams chicken halal or not is answered now. Please double-check before buying any nonveg products that it is certified halal and follow the Islamic rules and regulations.