Is It Haram To Celebrate Father’s Day In Islam?

Father’s day is a special occasion to honor fathers and their contributions to the family. Muslims are encouraged to show love, respect, and gratitude to their parents.

But, when it comes to fathers day, things can get a bit confusing for Muslims because it’s a holiday that is not mentioned in the Quran, Hadith, or Islamic teachings.

So if you’re confused about celebrating father’s day and searching is it haram to celebrate father’s day, here is what you need to know.

Is It Haram To Celebrate Father's Day

Is It Haram To Celebrate Father’s Day?

It all depends on your understanding of what celebrating father’s day means to you. Generally, celebrating father’s day is haram in Islam because Islam teaches us to respect and love our parents every day, not just on a particular day.

If you’re doing something special for your father on this day, like taking him out for lunch or shopping, then that goes against Islamic teachings. Islam teaches us to be humble and not to indulge in extravagance or show-offs.

However, if you’re taking fathers day as a regular day and taking him on lunch or shopping, then that is not haram.

Although the same answer applies to Mother’s Day, if you want to read more on this, you can read here is it haram to celebrate mother’s day.

Why It’s Haram To Celebrate Father’s Day

Celebrating father’s day is haram in Islam because it goes against the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. According to Islamic teachings, celebrating specific days is not important, but to respect and love your parents all year round.

Also, father’s day is a non-Islamic tradition, and we should not indulge in anything that is against Islamic teachings.

Additionally, celebrating father’s day could lead to extravagance and show-offs, which is something that Islam does not encourage.

Islam teaches us to be modest and humble and to not indulge in things that will make us forget our Islamic teachings. So it’s clear that celebrating father’s day is against Islamic teachings.

What To Do On Father’s Day?

Father's Day haram

Although celebrating father’s day is haram, it does not mean that you can’t show your love and respect to your father on this day. Here are some ways you can show your love to your father on this day:

  • Pray for him and ask Allah (SWT) to reward him for his efforts and dedication.
  • Spend quality time together.
  • Show your gratitude by expressing your appreciation in words or small acts of kindness.
  • Do something special for him, like a home cooked meal or a thoughtful gift. (Don’t take it as a celebration)
  • Show your respect by helping him with his day to day chores.

Note: You should do this every day, not just on father’s day. But on Father’s day, we’re even more encouraged to do this because it’s a special day, so take it as a reminder, not as a celebration.

You can also read is celebrating independence day haram.


Q. Is Father’s day religious?

A. No, father’s day is not a religious holiday. It is an occasion to celebrate the role and contribution of fathers in our lives. Islam does not approve of celebrating non-religious (Islamic) occasions or holidays. So, it is Haram to celebrate father’s day.

Q. Is Father’s Day haram?

A. There is no direct verse from Quran or hadith that says Father’s Day is haram. However, Father’s Day is considered haram because it is not a religious event and fulfills religious obligations.

Q. Do we celebrate Father’s Day in Islam?

A. Father’s Day is not an Islamic tradition and is not celebrated in Islam. Islam recognizes fathers’ importance and encourages honoring them daily but does not have a special day dedicated to fathers.

Q. How do you wish Father’s Day in Islam?

A. In Islam, the best way to wish is Assalamu Alaikum (peace be upon you). Otherwise, there is no specific way of wishing a father on Father’s Day as it is considered haram.

If you’re about to graduate and planning for a celebration, you must read is it haram to celebrate graduation.


Father’s day is a special occasion to celebrate the role and contributions of fathers in our lives. But, celebrating it goes against Islamic teachings; therefore, it is haram to celebrate Father’s day.

However, that does not mean that you can’t show your love and appreciation to your father, you can do it by expressing your gratitude in words or small acts of kindness. Spend quality time with him and pray for his well-being, these are some meaningful ways to show your love and appreciation.

Finally, remember that it’s important to respect and love our parents every single day, not just on a particular day. The beauty of Islamic teachings is that they encourage us to be humble and kind all year round.

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