Is It Haram To Have A Crush In Islam?
A crush is defined as a strong admiration or liking for someone. There can be crushes between friends, family members, co-workers, cousins, or even a non Muslim Christian, etc.
However, when it comes to having a crush on someone of the opposite gender, Muslims must be extra careful because Islam has strict rules regarding interactions between members of the opposite gender.
To identify is it haram to have a crush, we first need to understand what type of feelings are haram. So lets us first look at the different types of feelings:

Is It Haram To Have A Crush?
Yes, it is haram to have a crush if the feelings are purely physical and there is no emotional connection. This is because when you have a physical crush on someone, it leads to thoughts and actions which are haram in Islam, such as Zina.
Zina is a major sin in Islam, and it is something that is strictly prohibited. Therefore, if you have a physical crush on someone and you’re thinking about having a physical relationship with them, then it is considered Zina, and it is haram.
However, if you love someone like your cousin or a non-Muslim friend, and you’re constantly thinking about them, and you’re getting physically attracted to them, then also it’s not permissible in Islam.
In this, you should try to lower your gaze and keep yourself busy with other good deeds to eliminate such feelings. Otherwise, you can ask to marry her/him.
You can also look is it haram to have a girlfriend or boyfriend.
Different Types Of Feelings
Haram Feelings: Any type of feeling which leads to Zina (fornication or adultery), such as lust, desire, etc., are haram.
Halal Feelings: Any type of feeling which does not lead to Zina, such as love for Allah, love for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), brotherly love, sisterly love, love for parents, love for wife or husband, etc. are halal.
Mixed Feelings: Any type of feeling which is a mix of halal and haram feelings, such as admiration for someone’s physical beauty combined with a strong desire to have a physical relationship with that person, is considered a mixed feeling which is also haram.
Now that we have understood the different types of feelings let us look at whether having a crush is halal or haram.
If the feelings are purely halal, such as admiring someone’s good character or loving someone for Allah, then it is perfectly fine, and there is no harm in having such feelings.
However, if you have a crush on someone and you’re constantly thinking about that person, and you’re getting physically attracted to them, then it is considered a haram feeling in Islam.
Is It Haram To Have A Crush On A Non Muslim?
Yes, it is haram to have a crush on a non Muslim because Quran clearly says that Muslims should not marry non-Muslims. Also, before you get married to them, you’ll have a date or physical relationship with them, which is also not permissible in Islam.
So, if you’re a Muslim and you have a crush on a non Muslim, then you should try to get rid of such feelings and concentrate on other good deeds.
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Tips To Avoid Having A Crush
Lower your gaze: When you see someone of the opposite gender, it is essential to lower your gaze and not stare at them.
Keep yourself busy: One of the best ways to avoid having a crush on someone is to keep yourself busy with other things. This can include spending time with your family and friends, doing hobbies, or volunteering for charitable causes.
Focus on the inner beauty: Instead of focusing on the physical beauty, try to focus on a person’s inner beauty. This includes their personality, character, values, and morals.
Remember that physical beauty is temporary: Physical beauty is something that is not permanent. It will fade away with time, so it is important to remember that it is not worth getting too attached to someone because of their physical appearance.
Think about the consequences: Before you get too close to someone, consider the consequences of your actions. If you’re thinking about doing something which is haram, then it is essential to consider the results of your actions and whether it is worth it.
Seek Allah’s guidance: Always seek Allah’s guidance when you’re feeling lost or confused. Pray to Allah and ask for His help in overcoming your challenges.
Also look for is it haram to kiss someone on the cheek if you’re thinking to do so.
Q. Is having a crush haram?
A. In Islam, having a crush is not haram (forbidden) in itself. However, if it is purely for physical desires, it is haram. In addition, if you have a crush but lower your gaze and ask for marriage, then it is not haram. It’s important to maintain modesty, act with respect and remember that Allah (SWT) is always watching.
Q. Is it halal to have a crush?
A. Having a crush is natural, so it is halal, but if your desire is purely physical, it is not. If you have a crush, you should lower your gaze, act respectfully, and try to get married.
Q. Is it haram to look at your crush?
A. Yes, in Islam, it is important to lower your gaze and avoid looking at someone of the opposite gender. If you look at someone with the intention of lust or desire, then it is haram. The best thing to do is maintain modesty, lower your gaze, and ask for marriage if you genuinely connect with someone.
Q. Is it haram to have a crush on a girl?
A. In Islam, it is haram to look at someone with the intention of lust or desire. So, having a crush on a girl is haram if the intention is purely physical.
Q. Is it haram to have a crush on a boy?
A. Yes, it is haram to have a crush on a boy unless you intend to marry and be modest. In Islam, it is important to lower your gaze and avoid looking at someone of the opposite gender.
Q. What does Islam say about having a crush?
A. In Islam, having a crush is not haram (forbidden) in itself. However, if it is purely for physical desires, then it is haram. It is not haram if you have a crush but lower your gaze and ask for marriage with modesty.
Q. Is it haram to have a crush at a young age?
A. At any age, having a crush is haram if the intention is purely physical. If you have a crush at a young age, it is important to lower your gaze and ask for marriage with modesty.
Q. Is it haram to talk to your crush?
A. it is haram to talk to your crush if the intention is purely physical. In Islam, lowering your gaze and maintaining modesty with non mahram is important.
Q. Is liking someone haram?
A. Liking someone is not haram in itself; however, if it is purely for physical desires, then it is haram. In Islam, it is important to maintain modesty and lower your gaze.
Q. How to deal with a crush in Islam?
A. The best way to deal with a crush is to lower your gaze, maintain modesty and ask for marriage if you have a genuine connection with someone.
Q. Is it haram to have a crush on a Christian?
A. Yes, it is haram to have a crush on a non-Muslim, including a Christian, if it’s purely for physical desires. In Islam, it is important to lower your gaze and avoid looking at someone of the opposite gender.
Q. Is it haram to have a crush on a fictional character?
A. Having a crush on a fictional character is not haram. However, it’s important to remember that watching such characters in movies or TV shows is haram.
Q. Is it haram to daydream about your crush?
A. Yes, it is haram to daydream about someone if the intention is purely physical. It’s important to remember that Allah (SWT) is always watching and to lower your gaze. For more on this, you can also read is lucid dreaming haram.
Conclusion On Is It Haram To Have A Crush
As you have seen, in most cases having a crush is haram. So, it is important to be careful and avoid getting too close to someone of the opposite gender.
If you’re already in a relationship, make sure it is based on halal love and not just physical attraction. Also, try to get married as soon as possible to avoid temptation from Zina.
And finally, always seek Allah’s guidance and help when you’re feeling lost or confused. He is the Most Merciful and will help you overcome your challenges.