Is It Haram To Kiss Someone On The Cheek?

If you’re confused about whether it’s okay to kiss someone on the cheek, you’re not alone.

In Islam, there is no clear ruling on this matter. Some scholars believe it’s permitted with few limitations, while others argue it’s not.

Hence, in this article, we’ll explore the different opinions on this matter and try to conclude whether it is haram to kiss someone on the cheek. Also, we will answer related frequently asked questions.

Is It Haram To Kiss Someone On The Cheek

Is It Haram To Kiss Someone On The Cheek?

If you’re talking about kissing someone who is not your spouse or opposite gender, then the answer is most likely yes, it’s haram.

Islam prohibits any kind of physical contact outside of marriage. This includes hugging, kissing, and even shaking hands with someone of the opposite gender.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as if you’re greeting someone or saying goodbye, but even then, it’s best to avoid any type of physical contact.

Furthermore, if you’re kissing someone on the cheek as a sign of love, then that’s definitely not allowed in Islam. However, if you’re doing it as a sign of respect to kids or adults, then there’s a chance that it may be permissible.

In conclusion, it’s best to avoid kissing someone on the cheek altogether to be on the safe side. As in most cases, it’s not allowed in Islam.

You might also like reading is it haram to watch kissing videos.

Can You Kiss Your Spouse On The Cheek?

Yes, you can kiss your spouse on the cheek. In fact, you can do much more than that! However, ensure it’s done in private and not in public. Also learn is it haram to kiss your wife in public.

Islam encourages husbands and wives to show respect to each other. This includes hugging, kissing, and even holding hands.

So, don’t be afraid to show some love to your spouse. Just make sure that you do it in private and not in front of other people.

Can a girl kiss a girl in Islam?

No, according to Islamic law, it is not permissible for a girl to kiss or engage in any form of physical contact with another girl.

This is because Islam strongly encourages modesty and guarding one’s purity. Engaging in physical contact with someone of the same gender is considered an act that could lead to sin and is therefore discouraged.

Can You Kiss Your Parents On The Cheek?

Yes, you can kiss your parents on the cheek as a sign of respect.

Islam teaches us to show respect to our elders, and one way of doing that is by kissing them on the cheek or forehead.

Can You Kiss Your Siblings On The Cheek?

Well, it depends. If your brother or sister is a newborn baby, you can kiss them on the cheek. Also, note you shouldn’t kiss your baby on the lips.

However, if they’re older than that, then it’s best to avoid any type of physical contact, as it may lead to something else.

Can You Kiss Your Friends On The Cheek?

No, you can’t kiss your friends on the cheek. As we’ve mentioned before, Islam prohibits any kind of physical contact outside of marriage.

This includes hugging, kissing, and even shaking hands with someone of the opposite gender. So, it’s best to avoid any type of physical contact with your friends.

Can You Kiss Your Children On The Cheek?

Yes, you can kiss your children on the cheek. In fact, it’s encouraged to show respect to your kids.

This includes hugging and kissing. So, don’t be afraid to show some love to your children.

Is It Haram To Kiss Someone’s Hand?

This is very debatable as there are different opinions on this matter. However, most scholars believe it’s Makrooh to kiss someone’s hand.

This is because it’s a sign of respect and worship, and only Allah is worthy of it.

While there’s no clear evidence that it’s haram, it’s best to avoid doing it to be on the safe side.

Is It Haram To Kiss Someone’s Feet?

Yes, it’s definitely haram to kiss someone’s feet.

This is because it’s a sign of respect and worship, which should only be reserved for Allah.

Furthermore, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has cursed those who do it. So, it’s best to avoid doing it altogether.

Is It Haram To Kiss Someone’s Forehead?

No, it’s not haram to kiss someone’s forehead. In fact, it’s a sign of respect. However, ensure that those you’re kissing are your elders or kids, not someone of the opposite gender.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to kiss the foreheads of his grandsons. So, it’s definitely permissible to do it.

Is it haram for a girl to kiss a girl on the cheek?

It depends on the context and intent behind it. Being a girl, you can kiss a girl on the cheek, for example, while greeting them; however, if it is done in an inappropriate or flirty manner, then it would be considered haram.

Is kissing on the cheek haram?

Kissing on the cheek is generally allowed in Islam, but it depends on whom it is directed. For example, a husband and wife can kiss on the cheek privately and respectfully. But if it is done between two opposite gender non-mahrams, then it would be considered haram.

Is it haram to kiss a girl on the cheek?

Yes, it is haram to kiss a girl on the cheek if done between two opposite gender non-mahrams. As Islam encourages modest behavior and guarding one’s innocence.

Is it haram to kiss your friend on the cheek?

It depends on if your friend is the same gender and if the kiss is done in a respectful or greeting manner. It would not be considered haram if it is between two same-gender friends and done respectfully.

However, if it is done between two opposite gender non-mahrams, then it would be considered haram.

Is it haram to kiss your girl best friend?

Yes, kissing your girl best friend is haram because it is a form of physical contact between two non-mahrams that could lead to sin.

If you’re not married and want to kiss someone, you should read first is it haram to kiss before marriage.


In conclusion, it’s best to avoid kissing someone on the cheek altogether to be on the safe side. As in most cases, it’s haram to do so in Islam.

There are only a few exceptions, such as newborn babies, elders, or spouses. Otherwise, it’s best to avoid any type of physical contact with someone of the opposite gender.

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