Is It Haram To Have Non Muslim Friends? (Clear Now)

If you’re in contact with non Muslims in school, college, neighbor, or work, you might have wondered if it’s permissible to be friends with them.

Not all non Muslims are bad people, and many are kind and good. You might have some non Muslim friends who you get along with really well, and it’s only natural to want to keep that friendship going.

But is it haram to have non Muslim friends? Let’s explore what the Quran and Hadith have to say on the matter.

Is It Haram To Have Non Muslim Friends

Is It Haram To Have Non Muslim Friends

No, it is not haram to have non Muslim friends. However, if they are not good people in terms of character and morals, then it is better to stay away from them.

Also, if you know someone who eats or drinks things or does other things that are haram in Islam, you should not make them friends. It will only lead to you being influenced by them and doing things that are not permissible in Islam.

Further, if the person is against Muslims or Islam, it is better not to have them as friends. They will only cause you problems and bring you harm.

Quran has no explicit prohibition on making friends with non Muslims. But according to hadith, it is better to choose no n Muslim friends only if they are good people.

Note: Your friends can make a big difference in your life and hereafter. If you have a Muslim friend who is good and righteous, then you should cherish that friendship as it will only benefit you in this life and the hereafter. On the other hand, if you have non Muslim friends who are not good people, then it is better to stay away from them as they will only cause you to harm in this life and the hereafter. So choose your friends wisely!

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Why It Is Allowed to Have Non Muslim Friends

There are several reasons why it is allowed to have non Muslim friends.

First, we need to remember that we are all human beings and that we should treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Secondly, by having non Muslim friends, we can learn about their cultures and beliefs. This will help us to understand them better and hopefully build bridges of communication and understanding between different communities.

Even a Prophet(saw) had non Muslim friends. He used to interact with them. So if it was haram, then he would not have done it.

If we have friendships and good relations with non Muslims, then it will be easier to invite them to Islam. They will see that we are good people and that Islam is a religion of peace and love. This will make it more likely for them to accept Islam.

Thirdly, by having non Muslim friends, we can learn how to deal with people who are different from us. This important life skill will come in handy in many different situations.

Fourthly, if you live with non Muslims or work with them, then it is necessary to have some kind of relationship with them. You cannot just ignore them and not talk to them, making things very difficult.

Lastly, Allah is the Most Merciful, and He knows best. So even if we don’t understand why something is allowed, we should trust that Allah knows what is best for us.

You can also learn is it haram to celebrate friendship day.

Why Muslims Friends Are Better

If you have the option to make friends with either Muslims or non Muslims, it is better for you to opt for Muslim friends.

This is because Muslim friends are likely more compatible in terms of beliefs and values.

They understand religious obligations and can provide moral support when it comes to practicing the faith.

Furthermore, Muslim friends also understand the basic principles of Islamic teachings and can guide you better when it comes to making decisions.

Whenever it is a time of prayer, Muslim friends can remind you and join you to increase your spirituality.

In addition, they can share their own experiences of practicing Islam, which can be a great source of inspiration for your faith journey.

Well, this is the reason why having Muslim friends is better than non Muslims. Otherwise, having a friend from a different faith can also be very beneficial in broadening your perspective and getting knowledge about other cultures.

Just make sure they are good people and don’t push you into compromising on your faith.

You can also read is it haram to have a boyfriend.


Q. Is it haram to be friends with a non Muslim?

A. No, it is not haram to be friends with a non Muslim as long as they are good people and don’t force you to contravene your faith principles.

Q. Can a muslim be friends with a non Muslim?

A. Yes, a Muslim can be friends with non Muslims if there is no pressure to compromise their faith or do any haram act.

Q. Is having non muslim friends haram?

A. No, having non muslim friends is not haram as long as it does not compromise religious principles.


In conclusion, there is no explicit prohibition in Quran on having non Muslim friends. However, it is better to choose Non Muslim friends only if they are good people.

This is because bad friends can cause you to harm in this life and the hereafter.

So choose your friends wisely and make sure that they will be a positive influence in your life. I hope your query is it haram to have non muslim friends is solved now.

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