Is It Haram To Kiss During Ramadan? (Yes/No)

No doubt Ramadan is the most blissful and holy month for Muslims, as it offers us a chance to connect with Allah and purify souls.

However, being human sometimes we can’t control our emotions and desires. The most common is the desire to kiss your beloved, which raises a big question, “Is it Haram to kiss during Ramadan or fasting any other day?”

If you’re also confused about the same topic, in this blog post, we will address this question and provide all the relevant information. Let’s get started!

Is It Haram To Kiss During Ramadan

Is It Haram To Kiss During Ramadan

It is not haram to kiss your Spouse while fasting during Ramadan or any other day of fasting. However, this is allowed only if you’re capable of controlling yourself, and it doesn’t lead to further intimacy.

If you can control yourself from not crossing the limits like kissing or hugging, then there is no harm in expressing your love and affection. Note that this is allowed for married couples and not unmarried couples.

Hadith 1 (Proof):

Aishah R.A said, “The Prophet used to kiss and embrace (his wives) while he was fasting, and he had more power to control his desires than any of you.” (Sahih Bukhari 1927)

This hadith clearly provides evidence that even Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to kiss and hug his wife when he was fasting, which shows that it is not haram or sinful to do the same.

Hadith 2 (proof):

Once, a person came to the Prophet and asked if it is okay to kiss his wife while fasting, and the Prophet replied: “Yes you can“.

Later, another person came to the Prophet and asked the same question, and the Prophet replied: “No you can’t“.

After watching this, Sahabah was really confused and asked the Prophet why he gave two different answers to the same question.

The Prophet replied, “I know that the first person can control his desire and he can kiss his wife without any further intimacy, but the second person, I know that he won’t be able to control himself after kissing his wife”.

This hadith provides sufficient evidence that kissing while fasting is allowed if you’re capable of controlling yourself and doesn’t lead to further intimacy.

If you thinking to break your fast, you must read is it haram to break your fast before doing so.

How To Control Yourself (Tips)

It is very important to avoid any intimate activities during Ramadan and other days of fasting. You know yourself better, if you think you can’t control yourself, then it is better to stay away from such activities.

Here are a few useful tips that will help you in controlling yourself:

1. Avoid intimate activities like kissing, hugging, embracing, and touching. Although this is allowed for married couples, it is better to stay away from these activities if you’re unsure about yourself.

2. Stay in a room with your spouse only when it’s necessary.

3. Pray regularly and make a habit of reciting the Quran. This will help you control your desires.

4. After sunset, spend some time in charity and helping others. This will distract your mind from any help you control your desires and make you more pious.

5. Spend some quality time with your family to strengthen the bond. This will help you shift your focus from physical desires to spiritual ones.

6. Make sure your spouse wears loose clothes and avoid any provocative clothes.

7. Focus on Allah and spirituality. Spend time understanding the importance of Ramadan and what it teaches us. Tell yourself that you’re not fasting for just physical aspects but also for some bigger purpose, and it’s for just 30 days and then you can enjoy your life.

You can also read is it haram to kiss before marriage?


Q. Does kissing break your fast during ramadan?

No, kissing does not break your fast during Ramadan as long as it doesn’t lead to further intimacy and you’re capable enough to control yourself.

Q. Is it haram to kiss your wife during ramadan?

No, it is not haram to kiss your wife during Ramadan as long as you’re capable of controlling yourself and it doesn’t lead to further intimacy. However, this is allowed only for married couples and not for unmarried couples.

Q. Is it haram to kiss your husband during ramadan?

No, it is not haram to kiss your husband during Ramadan as long as you’re capable of controlling yourself and it doesn’t lead to further intimacy.

Q. Is it haram to watch kissing in ramadan?

Yes, it is haram to watch kissing on Ramadan and any other day of the year. Watching such activities can lead to Haram activities and also distract you from focusing on your Salah and other spiritual activities.

Q. Is hugging and kissing allowed in Ramadan?

Yes, hugging and kissing are allowed in Ramadan as long as it doesn’t lead to further intimacy, and you’re capable enough to control yourself.

Q. Does kissing on lips break fast?

No, kissing on lips does not break fast as long as it doesn’t lead to further intimacy and you’re capable enough to control yourself.

Q. Can I sleep with my husband while fasting?

If you can control your desires and it doesn’t lead to further intimacy, then yes, you can sleep with your husband while fasting. Otherwise, it is better to stay away.


Kissing during Ramadan is allowed as long as you’re capable of controlling yourself, and it doesn’t lead to further intimacy.

However, it is important to remember that you should focus on the spiritual aspects of Ramadan and not just the physical ones. Stay away from any kind of intimate activities and spend time praying, reciting the Quran, building a strong bond with Allah, charity, helping others, and strengthening the bond with your family.

This Ramadan, let’s focus on our spirituality and make the most of this blessed month.

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