Is It Haram To Listen To Music After Iftar?
Those who are addicted to music are always confused during the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of spiritual renewal and discipline. But, some people are anxious about whether they can listen to music after fasting during Ramadan.
If you’re searching is it haram to listen to music after Iftar, you have come to the right place. In this blog, we will discuss the religious implications of listening to music and understand the Islamic perspective on it.

Is It Haram To Listen to Music After Iftar?
It is haram to listen to music after Iftar in the Islamic faith. Islam considers music as an indulgence that can lead to sinful behaviour and distracts a believer from the remembrance of Allah.
Not only after Iftar, listening to music is haram while fasting, the whole month of Ramadan, and any other time of the year.
The Islamic faith does not encourage music for entertainment since it can distract from prayer and other religious activities.
After all, Ramadan is the month of self-reflection and purification. So, staying away from haram activities like listening to music is important.
Even if you listen to some Islamic-inspired music, it should be kept in moderation since too much of anything can be bad.
However, if you’re somewhere in a gathering or at an event and music is playing, and your intention is not to listen to it, then you’ll not be considered sinful.
For more on this matter you can also read: is it haram to listen to music while fasting
Why Is Music Haram?
Music is haram since it can lead to immoral activities. Any instrumental music that attracts attention to someone other than Allah is haram.
Also, music can have a hypnotic effect on the listener and can lead to a person indulging in immoral activities. Music can also distract from prayer and other religious activities, which is haram in Islam.
Finally, music can be used as a tool to spread false ideologies and beliefs. This can lead to discord among believers, which is again not permissible in the Islamic faith.
So if you think you’re free to listen to music after Iftar, that’s not the case. As it is haram to listen to music any time of the year.
Alternate Ways To Pass Your Time After Iftar
I know the time between after Iftar to Taraaweeh prayers can be really boring or sleeping. So if you’re looking for ways to pass your time after Iftar, there are plenty of ways. Here are some alternate ways you can use to pass your time after Iftar without listening to music:
- Recite Quran and learn its teachings
- Spend quality time with your family and friends
- Listen to Islamic lectures on different topics
- Listen Islamic naat
- Help those in need by donating food or money
- Spend some time in nature to appreciate Allah’s creations.
You can also read for Muharram, is it haram to listen to music in muharram
Q. Is it haram to listen to music after Ramadan?
Answer: Yes, listening to music is haram after Ramadan as well. Islam considers listening to music sinful, and one should avoid it.
Q. What are you allowed to do after Iftar?
Answer: After Iftar, one should remember Allah by reciting Quran, doing Dhikr, making dua, or rest and preparing for the Taraaweeh prayer.
In conclusion, listening to music after Iftar in Islam is haram. We should spend the time of Ramadan purifying our souls and reflecting on Allah’s blessings. There are many alternate ways to spend our time after Iftar without listening to music, and we should focus our attention towards it.
We hope this blog post has answered your query, “Is it haram to listen to music after iftar” and give you a better understanding of why it is haram to listen to music after Iftar. May Allah guide us all to the right path and accept our deeds. Ameen!