Is It Haram To Play With Your Private Parts In Islam?

Are you searching is it haram to play with your private parts in Islam? Well, this is a very thoughtful subject and the answer to it can be quite complex.

If you’re a Muslim, then you may already know that there are certain forms of behavior and activities that Islam does not approve of.

As such, it’s important to understand what is permissible and what is not when it comes to these thoughtful topics.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the Islamic view on playing with your private parts and conclude with a decision that is best for you. So read on to find out more.

Is It Haram To Play With Your Private Parts

Is It Haram To Play With Your Private Parts?

In Islam, the answer to this question is complicated. This is because there is no direct hadith or Quran verses that prohibit this type of activity.

Therefore, every scholar has a different opinion about this matter. Some say that it is haram, some say it is makruh, and some consider it as disliked.

However, the point to note here is that no scholars say that it is completely permissible.

This means that even with no direct hadith or verses from the Quran it is better to stay away from this activity. You can end up committing a sin if you do not take the necessary precautions.

However, one more thing to be noted here is it is completely haram to touch your private part with the right hand.

There is a hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) which states “touching with the right hand is haram, even while cleaning or urinating”

So, it is clear that touching your private part with the right hand is strictly prohibited in Islam. Either you’re playing with it or doing something else.

And even with your left hand, you should avoid unnecessary contact with your private parts as much as possible.

This is because if there is no hadith that indicates it haram, then there is also no hadith which states it as halal.

Therefore, it is better to stay away from such activities in order to remain safe and protected.

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Tips To Avoid Unnecessary Contact With Your Private Parts

If you feel like playing with your private parts is something that you can’t resist then here are some tips to help you avoid doing it:

Have a busy schedule. Fill your day with activities and hobbies which will not only keep you occupied but also away from this kind of forbidden activity.

If you’re free, Shaitaan will find ways to make you sin.

Pray five times a day: Praying five times a day will fill you with the spirit of piety and keep your connection with Allah strong. As such, this activity will help you stay away from the attraction of playing with your private parts.

Read the Quran daily: Reading the Quran daily will help you stay away from such activities as it will keep your mind occupied and your soul uplifted. It will be more beneficial if you read the Quran with translation so that you can understand the message of Allah more easily.

Use every opportunity to do good deeds: You can use every opportunity in your life to do something that is pleasing to Allah.

For example, you can be more kind to your parents or help others in need. This will keep your mind away from such activity and increase your chances of doing something that is beneficial for your afterlife.

You can also learn is it haram to kiss your wife in public.


Q. Ruling on rubbing private parts in Islam?

A. Rubbing private parts in Islam is disliked. However, it is completely prohibited to touch your private parts with the right hand even when you are cleaning yourself or urinating.

Q. Can I play with my wife private parts in Islam?

A. Yes, it is permissible to play with your wife’s private parts in Islam. This is because it is a form of mutual pleasure and closeness.

Q. Is it haram to play with your private parts with left hand?

A. Even with your left hand, you should avoid playing with your private parts as much as possible. This is because there is no hadith that states it as halal or haram so it is better to stay away from such activities in order to remain safe and protected.

Q. Can I touch my own private parts in Islam?

A. You can touch your own private parts with left hand to clean yourself or urinate. However, avoid unnecessary contact with your private parts as much as possible.

Q. Is it Haram to look at your private parts?

A. It is not haram to look at your private parts but you should avoid it as much as possible in order to remain safe and protected.

Q. Is it haram to touch your private part with right hand?

A. Yes, it is completely haram to touch your private part with right hand as there is a hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) which states “touching with the right hand is haram, even while cleaning or urinating”

Q. Is it haram to touch your private part with left hand?

A. No, it is not haram to touch your private parts with your left hand for needs like cleaning or washing. You can’t touch your private part with right hand.


In conclusion, playing with your private parts in Islam is not permissible. Though there is no direct hadith or verses from the Quran that prohibits this kind of activity, it is still better to stay away as much as possible in order to remain safe and protected.

You can avoid such activities by having a busy schedule, praying five times a day, reading the Quran daily and doing good deeds whenever you can.

I hope this blog post helps you answer is it haram to play with your private parts in Islam.

If you still have any doubts or questions, then feel free to reach out to us and we will be happy to help you out.

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