Is It Haram To Sleep On Silk? [All Clear]
If you’ve good knowledge of Islam, then you might know that wearing silk cloth for man is haram. However, there is a debate on whether sleeping on silk sheets is haram.
In this blog post, we’ll answer is it haram to sleep on silk according to the different Islamic schools of thought.
Also, we’ll cover other questions related to this topic, such as whether it is haram to use silk pillowcases and what the alternatives are to using silk sheets.

Is It Haram To Sleep On Silk
According to Islamic teachings, it is haram to sleep on silk for men. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once took gold and silk in his hand and said:
“These are two things which are forbidden for the men of my nation (Muslims) to wear, but they are permissible for women.” (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 72, Number 717)
According to this hadith, it is clear that if the Prophet has to make silk completely haram for men, then surely sleeping on silk sheets is also haram for men.
However, there is a difference of opinion among scholars on this issue. Some scholars believe that it is permissible for men to sleep on silk sheets, while others opine that it is better to avoid it.
Lastly, even if some scholars allow men to sleep on silk sheets, it is better to avoid it as a precautionary measure. And we’ve clear evidence from Prophet Muhammad’s hadith that silk is haram for men. (Source)
For women, the ruling is different. It is permissible for a woman to wear or sleep on silk sheets, as the Prophet has allowed them to wear silk.
You can also read our previous blog post is it haram to sleep on your stomach if you do.
Are Silk Ties Haram?
Yes, silk ties are haram for men according to Islamic teachings. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has forbidden men from wearing silk. So, it is clear that ties made from silk are also haram for men as they are a form of clothing.
Is It Haram To Sleep On Silk Pillowcase?
If sleeping on silk sheets is haram for men, then surely sleeping on a silk pillowcase is also haram. However, for women, it is permissible to sleep on silk pillows as the Prophet has allowed them to wear silk.
Also see is it haram to sleep naked.
Why Prophet Makes Silk Haram For Man
There are many reasons behind why the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has forbidden men from wearing silk. Some of the reasons are mentioned below:
1) Silk is a luxurious fabric, and rich people mainly wore it in society. The Prophet wanted to discourage Muslims from following rich people’s footsteps and living luxurious lives.
2) The Prophet wanted to make a distinction between man and woman. He wanted men to be different from women in their clothing and appearance.
3) Silk is a very soft fabric, and it was seen as a feminine fabric. The Prophet wanted to make it clear that men should not dress like women or imitate them in any way.
4) Wearing silk was seen as a status symbol. The Prophet wanted to make it clear that all humans are equal in the eyes of Allah, and no one is better than the other because of their wealth or status.
5) Wearing or sleeping on silk creates a thought or urge to get physical with whoever is with you. It was because of this reason that the Prophet forbade men from wearing or sleeping on silk.
Alternatives To Using Silk Sheets
There are many alternatives to using silk sheets which are completely halal and permissible for Muslims.
However, the best alternative to silk sheets is cotton sheets. They are soft, comfortable, and completely halal for Muslims.
Cotton sheets are also a great alternative for people who are allergic to silk.
If you like listening Quran while sleeping, you should also read is it haram to listen to music while sleeping.
Q. Is silk haram in Islam for woman?
Answer: No, silk is not haram for a woman. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has allowed women to wear silk. Silk is haram for men only.
Q. Can men wear silk?
Answer: No, men cannot wear silk according to Islamic teachings. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has forbidden men from wearing silk.
Q. Can man wear or sleep on silk for medical reasons?
Answer: Yes, man can wear or sleep on silk for medical reasons. However, it is better to avoid it if possible. Regarding health, Islam always recommends taking the safest route possible.
Q. Is velvet haram?
Answer: No, velvet is not haram. Velvet is a different fabric from silk, and it does not have the same ruling as silk. However, if velvet is mixed with silk, then it will be considered haram.
Q. Is silk pillowcase haram?
Answer: According to Islamic teachings, a silk pillowcase is haram for men to use. However, for women, it is allowed.
Q. Are silk pillowcases haram?
Answer: Yes, according to Prophet Muhammad, hadith of gold and silk haram for men.
Q. Is silk haram?
Answer: Silk itself is not haram. However, it is considered haram for men to wear or use items made of gold and silk.
Q. Are silk bed sheets haram?
Answer: Silk bed sheets are allowed for women but are considered haram for men to use.
Q. Is it haram to have a silk pillowcase?
Answer: Yes, it is haram for a man to have a silk pillowcase. However, for women, it is allowed.
Q. Why is silk haram for men?
Answer: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has stated that gold and silk are haram for men because they bring about luxury and pride, which can lead to a lack of humility, vanity, and extravagance.
Conclusion: Is It Haram To Sleep On Silk
In conclusion, we would like to say that silk is haram for men to sleep or wear. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has forbidden men from wearing silk. So, it is clear that anything made from silk is also haram for men.
Women are allowed to wear or sleep on silk as the Prophet has allowed them to wear silk. We hope that this article was helpful and informative for you.