Is It Haram To Wear Necklaces (Man And Woman)
Are you looking forward to wearing necklaces that complement your outfit but are unsure whether it is haram or halal? Whether a man or a woman, Islam is very clear regarding jewelry wearing, like necklaces or bracelets.
In this blog, we will discuss is it haram to wear necklaces according to Islam, both for men and women.

Is It Haram To Wear Necklaces?
For men, it is haram to wear necklaces because it is categorized as feminine. For women, it is permissible to wear necklaces as long as it does not contain anything haram, such as the evil eye.
The following are the proofs from Quran and Sunnah that state it is haram for men to wear necklaces:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said for men not to wear feminine clothes and ornaments. This is evidence that it is haram for men to wear necklaces because they are categorized as feminine ornament.
“Al-Fudhayl ibn ‘Iyadh (may Allah have mercy on him) said: I heard Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) say: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Whoever imitates a people is one of them.’”
This hadith is evidence that it is haram for men to wear necklaces because they are categorized as a feminine ornament.
If you wear necklaces being a man, you Imitate women, which is not permissible in Islam.
Also, learn is it haram to wear evil eye if you do or planning to.
Conditions For Women To Wear Necklaces
Wearing necklaces is permissible for women as long as it does not contain anything haram. So here are the things to consider when you want to wear necklaces:
The necklaces should not include any idols or symbols of any religion. This is because it is a shirk to worship anyone or anything other than Allah.
The necklaces should not include designs or images of animate objects. This is because it is considered as an act of shirk to create images of Allah’s creations.
The necklace design doesn’t include an evil eye. This is because it is considered a form of black magic and is haram in Islam.
You should not wear it to show off. This is because it is considered as arrogance and pride, which are both haram in Islam.
You should not wear it to attract the opposite gender. This is because it is considered a provocation and haram in Islam.
Q. Is it haram for a man to wear a necklace?
Yes, it is haram for a man to wear a necklace because it is categorized as feminine. For women, it is permissible to wear necklaces as long as it does not contain anything haram, such as the evil eye.
Q. Is it haram to wear Allah necklace?
There is no evidence that it is haram to wear an Allah necklace. However, you should avoid wearing necklaces that include Allah’s name if it is made to seek blessing or fortune. This is because it is considered shirk, and Islam believes in modesty.
Wearing necklaces is a form of expression that both men and women can do. However, there are certain things to consider when wearing necklaces as a Muslim. For men, it is haram to wear necklaces because it is categorized as feminine. For women, it is permissible to wear necklaces as long as they do not contain anything harams like evil eye or any religion.
Choose your necklaces wisely, and wear them to seek Allah’s pleasure. May Allah grant us all the knowledge to differentiate between halal and haram. Ameen!
We hope this blog has helped you understand is it haram to wear necklaces. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading!