Is Ludo Haram In Islam?

Ludo is a popular board and dice game across the world, often seen as an entertaining way to pass time. Nowadays it gets very popular in online gaming.

But is ludo haram in Islam? This is a question that has been debated for a long. People have different opinions on the matter. Some people consider it a harmless game, while others are of the view that it is haram in Islam.

So if you’re confused about this and want to know the truth, stick with us. Here we will discuss in detail whether playing ludo is haram or not according to Islamic teachings.

Is Ludo Haram

Is Ludo Haram In Islam?

Yes, ludo is haram according to Islamic teachings. Even if you avoid betting while playing ludo, it is still considered haram in Islam.

The reason behind this is that it involves dice, which is strictly prohibited in Islam by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

According to a hadith from the Prophet, “Whoever plays with dice, it is as if he dipped his hand in the Flesh and Blood of a Pig.”

Considering this hadith, it is clear that playing ludo is Haraam because it involves the use of dice, which is forbidden in Islam.

If you think what is the reason behind this, you should stop thinking about this and believe what has been said by the Prophet. It is Allah (SWT) who knows about things better than us and he has forbidden this thing for our own good.

Prophet has not clearly specified why it is forbidden, but we should obey his command without any doubt. Still, if you want some reasons to avoid this, we have some of them.

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Why Is Ludo Haram

Here are a few of the reasons why ludo is considered haram in Islam:

1. Playing games with dice is a game of luck, and it is not permissible in Islam to rely on luck.

2. Sometimes playing ludo involves gambling and betting, which are strictly prohibited in Islam. Even if you think you didn’t involve in any betting or gambling, the chances of this happening are very high.

3. It involves luck, so it makes people forget that all good and bad things happen according to Allah’s will.

4. It can become an addictive game, which would cause us to lose control and waste our time on it.

5. It can cause us to develop ill feelings toward our opponents, which is not the way of true Muslims.

6. You may start missing your prayers and other important duties as a result of too much playing ludo.

7.  It can be a source of disputes and arguments between the players.

These are some of the points which make ludo haram in Islam. So we should avoid playing it and stay away from any form of gambling or betting.

Well, this is our point of view. We should obey the commandment of the prophet (PBUH) and avoid anything that is haram in Islam without any doubt. May Allah forgive us and keep us on the path of righteousness.

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Q. Is Ludo a gambling game?

A. It depends on how you play it. If you involve in betting or gambling, then yes it is a gambling game. However, if you just play for fun without any betting or gambling, then no it is not a gambling game. However, it is still haram because it involves dice.

Q. Is playing ludo without gambling haram?

A. Yes, even if you avoid gambling while playing ludo, it is still considered haram in Islam. The reason behind this is that it involves dice, which is strictly prohibited in Islam by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Q. Is playing ludo online haram?

A. Yes, playing ludo online is also haram in Islam because it involves the same activities which are forbidden while playing ludo in real life. So it is important to avoid playing ludo online as well.

Q. Is ludo star haram?

A. Yes, ludo star is also haram in Islam because it involves the same activities as dice which are forbidden in Islam. So being Muslim we should avoid playing ludo star as well.


We can conclude that ludo is haram in Islam as it involves the use of dice, which is strictly prohibited by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

We should stay away from gambling and betting, which is strictly forbidden in Islam. But in the case of ludo, we should avoid it completely, even if we think that we are not involved in any gambling or betting.

I hope we answered your query is ludo haram in Islam. If you have any other queries, please feel free to ask in the comment below or mail us. May Allah bless us all and keep us on the right path. Ameen.

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