Is It Haram To Watch Movies During Ramadan?
Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims all around the world. It’s a time of fasting and spiritual reflection, but it can also be a time of confusion and uncertainty surrounding what activities are permissible.
Many people are addicted to watching movies, TV shows, and other videos, but during Ramadan, some might feel conflicted about whether it’s allowed to continue this activity. After all, Ramadan is a time of self-reflection and should be observed with a degree of solemnity and respect.
So if you’re searching is it haram to watch movies during Ramadan, this blog post is here to provide a clear answer.
We’ll discuss the Islamic religious perspective on watching movies during this holy month while offering practical solutions and tips for those wishing to observe Ramadan with a higher degree of purity and faith.

Is It Haram To Watch Movies During Ramadan?
Mostly it is haram to watch movies during Ramadan and any other day of the year. Watching movies, TV shows, and other videos can be entertaining, but they also include haram (forbidden) elements.
In today’s world, most movies and TV shows contain haram material such as violence, intercourse, and disrespect for religion. This kind of behavior is prohibited in Islam and should be avoided during Ramadan or any other day.
However, if you watch something valuable to your business, daily life, or related to Islam, then it is allowed. For example, watching a documentary about Islamic history or a movie that conveys a moral message can be permissible during Ramadan. However, this should also not contain ladies, haram scenes, or foul language.
Watching something that makes you close to Allah is allowed watching during Ramadan and any other day, as it will help you to observe the holy month with more faith and dedication.
In short, watching movies and TV series should be avoided during Ramadan. If you really want to watch something, make sure it is not haram or offensive to Islam. Also, try to watch something beneficial for you that will make you closer to Allah.
If you’re married and confused about kissing your spouse while fasting, you can learn here is it haram to kiss during ramadan.
Reasons Why It Is Haram To Watch Movies During Ramadan
As mentioned above, it is haram to watch movies during Ramadan or any other day. Here are some reasons why:
Movies and TV shows often contain haram material such as violence, lovemaking, and foul language. This kind of content is prohibited in Islam and should be avoided during Ramadan or any other day.
Watching movies can be a distraction from religious practices, as it is easy to become absorbed in the entertainment and forget to fulfill your religious obligations.
Watching movies can take up too much of your time, as switching off and disconnecting from the entertainment can be hard. This can be difficult to balance with fasting and prayers (ibadat) during Ramadan.
Watching movies can also lead to laziness and a lack of focus on spiritual matters.
Lastly, it’s haram in Islam to watch movies or TV shows with haram content, even outside of Ramadan. When Islam prohibits something, no need for reasons and excuses.
If you watch TikTok, you must read here is watching Tiktok haram in Ramadan.
What Can I Watch In Ramadan? (Alternatives)
If you’re addicted to watching movies and TV shows and searching for what can you watch during Ramadan, some alternatives can be permissible during Ramadan.
Watch Islamic lectures or documentaries. This kind of content is beneficial and will help you to understand Islam better. You can find plenty of these on YouTube or other streaming services.
Listen to Quranic recitations and lectures. This is a great way to stay connected with Allah and get closer to him.
Read religious books or Islamic history books. This will help you gain knowledge and wisdom.
Watch your business, study, or professional related videos. This way, you’ll be able to gain different skills and knowledge which can help you in your job or studies.
Focus on Ramadan activities such as charity, helping others, and praying. This is the best way to enjoy Ramadan and make the most of it.
You can also read is it haram to listen to music after iftar
Q. Can you watch dramas in Ramadan?
Answer: It is haram to watch dramas in Ramadan, as most of them contain haram material and are just for entertainment. You should focus on religious activities during this holy month.
Q. Do Muslims watch movies during Ramadan?
Answer: No, it’s haram (forbidden) in Islam to watch movies or TV shows with haram content, even outside of Ramadan.
Q. Is it haram to watch TV shows in Ramadan?
Answer: Yes, it is haram to watch TV shows during Ramadan. Most of them contain haram material which is prohibited in Islam and should be avoided.
Q. Can you watch TV while fasting?
Answer: Yes, you can watch TV while fasting as long as you limit yourself and it does not contain haram material. Watching useful and informative content such as religious lectures, documentaries, or Islamic history books would be preferable.
Q. Does watching movie break your fast?
Answer: Watching movies does not break your fast. But as it can be a distraction from religion and contain haram material, it is not allowed during Ramadan or any other day of the year.
Q. Is cinema haram in Islam?
Answer: Yes, it is haram in Islam to watch movies in the cinema as most of them contain haram material which is prohibited in Islam. Also, the atmosphere in the cinema can be quite distracting and make it difficult to focus on religious matters.
Q. Is it halal to watch anime in Ramadan?
Answer: If you watch informative and educational anime, then this is permissible during Ramadan. But if the anime contains haram material or it’s purely for entertainment, then it’s not allowed. For more on this, you can read our blog post on is watching anime haram.
Q. Can I watch Naruto in Ramadan?
Answer: You shouldn’t watch Naruto in Ramadan as it takes up too much of your time and can distract you from religious practices.
Q. What should I watch on Netflix in Ramadan?
Answer: You can watch documentaries, Islamic lectures, or educational content on Netflix during Ramadan. This will help you gain knowledge and stay focused on religious matters. Avoid movies and TV shows which contain haram material.
Q. Is it haram to watch food videos while fasting?
Answer: It’s not haram to watch food videos while fasting, but it is better to avoid them as they can be a distraction from religious matters. Instead, focus on activities such as charity, praying, or helping others during Ramadan.
Q. Can you watch movies during Ramadan?
Answer: No, movies are a form of entertainment and have no place during Ramadan. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk and abstain from activities that are considered materialistic or entertainment-based.
Q. Does watching tv break your fast?
Answer: No, watching television does not break your fast. However, it is recommended to refrain from watching entertainment shows or movies as these can lead to wasteful activities and thoughts that are counter to Ramadan’s spiritual and moral objectives.
Q. Can I watch Netflix during Ramadan?
Answer: No, Netflix and other streaming services are considered forms of entertainment that should not be consumed during Ramadan. It is best to focus on spiritual pursuits and acts of kindness that align with the spirit of Ramadan.
Q. Can you go to the cinema during Ramadan?
Answer: Going to the cinema for entertainment is inappropriate and should be avoided during Ramadan or any other day.
Q. Can I watch movies after iftar?
Answer: No, you should not watch movies after Iftar, either. During Ramadan, Muslims should focus on spiritual activities and acts of charity that align with the spirit of Ramadan. Watching movies is not consistent with the values and objectives of Ramadan.
Q. Can you watch youtube during Ramadan?
Answer: It depends on what you are watching. Many videos on YouTube can be educational, inspirational, and spiritually uplifting from scholars. If the content is within these parameters, watching youtube during Ramadan would be permissible. But if the content is entertaining or recreational, then it should be avoided this month.
Q. Can you watch horror movies during Ramadan?
Answer: No, you should not watch horror movies during Ramadan. This type of movie is considered to be inappropriate and counter to the spirit of Ramadan, which focuses on spiritual growth and development. These types of movies should be avoided at all times, not just during Ramadan.
Watching movies during Ramadan is considered haram in Islam. Instead, focus on activities such as charity, praying, and helping others.
You can watch informative and educational content such as documentaries, Islamic lectures, or religious books during Ramadan.
Lastly, avoid haram material such as movies, dramas, or TV shows which contain haram content. This will help you stay connected with Allah and make the most of this holy month.