Is It Haram To Fast While Traveling? (Ramadan)

Fasting during Ramadan is an important pillar of Islamic practice. It can have a powerful spiritual impact and help foster deeper connections with Allah.

But what happens when you’re traveling? Is it haram to fast while traveling? Or is it still necessary to fast? These are important questions that all Muslims should know the answers to.

In this blog post, we will explore the Islamic teachings on fasting while traveling and discuss all the possible scenarios that could arise. Also will answer the question with proof from the Quran and Hadith so that you can make an informed decision.

Is It Haram To Fast While Traveling

Is It Haram To Fast While Traveling

According to Islamic teachings, the traveling distance and your health will dictate whether you can fast or not. If you’re traveling a short distance and are healthy, fasting is mandatory, not haram.

However, if you are traveling for a long distance, like more than 85 km (48 miles), or if you are ill badly, then it is not necessary to fast, and if you still do so, it will be considered haram. If you already have a fast, it is permissible to break it and make up for it later.

Islam always teaches us not to be hard on ourselves and to avoid anything that could harm us physically or spiritually.

The Quran states: “And whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Sawm (fasts) must be made up from other days” (2:185 – al-Baqarah).

The Hadith also speaks about this issue. It is narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar (RA) that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Allah has removed the obligation of fasting from those who travel longer.”

These two sources provide clear evidence that it is not haram to fast while traveling short distances to be healthy. However, if you are traveling for a long distance or are ill, it is permissible to break the fast and make up for it later.

Also, it’s considered haram to fast if you force yourself fasting, which could harm you.

Note: Make sure you’re traveling for a valid reason. It is considered haram if you travel longer during Ramadan to avoid fasting.

In short, it is not haram to fast while traveling if the distance and your health allow you to do so. However, it is permissible (and sometimes necessary) to break the fast and make up for it later when traveling a long distance or if you’re ill.

If you listen to music during Ramadan, you must read our blog post on is it haram to listen to music while fasting.

Can I Break My Fast When Traveling?

Yes, you can break your fast when traveling if necessary, such as when traveling long distances or if you are ill. However, you must then make up for the fast you missed later.

It is a sign of wisdom and mercy from Allah that He does not burden us with something we cannot handle.

Fasting When Travelling On A Plane

Fasting on a plane is permissible if the flight is short and you are healthy enough to do so. However, it is not recommended for long hours of flights as it can be dangerous to your health.

It is best to break the fast and make up for it later once you land instead of fasting for long hours on a plane.


Also note, if you’ve traveled with fasting from country “A” just after “Sehri” and landed in country “B” just after a few hours, that can be 2hr, 5hr, or anything where it’s “Iftar” time. You should also break the fast and do iftar as you’ve seen the sun setting in country “B”.

The rule applied here is to follow the prayer and fasting time of the country you’ve landed in rather than the one in your home country.

Tips For Fasting With Traveling

Traveling by car, train, or Airplane is now part of our lives, and if it’s a short distance and you are healthy, then it is necessary to fast. Here are some tips for fasting while traveling:

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids in Sehri to keep yourself hydrated while fasting.

Eat wisely: Eating a nutritious meal before traveling can help you feel energized and focused on your journey.

Move around: Get up and move around every once in a while to keep your body active.

Rest: Take rest breaks when you can, especially if it is a long journey.

Do Dhikr: Fasting is a great time to focus on your spirituality and remember Allah (SWT) by doing dhikr. You can read Quran, tasbih, make dua, and remember Allah (SWT) to gain spiritual reward.

Fasting while traveling can be challenging, but with the correct preparation and the right mindset, it can be an enjoyable experience.

Remember: If you’re traveling long distances and it is not safe for you to fast, then it is haram to keep fast, so break the fast and make up for it later.

If you also like decorating the house or office in Ramadan, read here is it haram to decorate for ramadan before doing so.


Q. Can you travel during Ramadan?

Yes, you can travel during Ramadan with fasting if necessary, and the distance is short. However, if you are traveling for a long distance or if you’re ill, it is not allowed to fast, and you must break the fast and make up for it later.

Q. Is it Haram to go on vacation during Ramadan?

It is not recommended to go on vacation during Ramadan, as it is considered a time for spiritual reflection and devotion to Allah (SWT). Also, it will affect you in the making fast as well. So, it is best to plan your vacation after Ramadan ends. If you still plan to go on vacation during Ramadan, then you must follow the fasting rules because you’re doing it for fun.

Q. Can you fast while traveling?

Yes, you can fast while traveling if the journey is short and you are healthy enough to do so. However, it is not recommended for long hours of travel as it can be dangerous to your health.

Q. Can I break my fast if I am travelling?

Yes, if you are traveling long distances or are ill, you can break the fast and make up for it later.

Q. How far can you travel during Ramadan?

It depends on your health. If you can travel without difficulty and without adverse effects on your health, then you can travel as much as you want. However, if it is too long for you to handle, then you should take a compulsory break from the fast and make up for it later.

Q. Can you drive a car during Ramadan?

Yes, if the journey is short and you are healthy enough to do so. However, it is not recommended to drive for long hours as it can be dangerous to your health and is risky. If you are feeling weak and it is not safe for you to drive, then it is haram to continue fasting. In such cases, either brake fast or stop driving according to the situation.

Q. Is it haram to travel during Ramadan?

It is better to avoid traveling during Ramadan if possible, but it is not haram. According to Islamic law, fasting while traveling longer (more than 85 km) is prohibited and considered haram. However, if you’re traveling nearby distances, you can still fast and travel.

Do you have to fast while traveling?

No, you do not have to fast while traveling more than 85 km or miles. However, if you’re traveling less than that, then it is compulsory to fast as normal.


Fasting while traveling is allowed if the journey is short and you are healthy. However, it is important to be aware of your limits and maintain your health. If it is not safe for you to fast, then breaking the fast and making up for it later is allowed in Islam.

If possible try to avoid traveling during Ramadan at least, because it is a time for spiritual reflection and devotion to Allah (SWT).

However, if you still decide to go traveling in Ramadan for any reason, then try to follow the rules of fasting and remember Allah (SWT) by doing Dhikr to gain spiritual reward.

I hope you get answered to is it haram to fast while traveling. May Allah (SWT) accept our fasting and forgive all our sins. Ameen.

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