
Is It Haram To Have A Boyfriend In Islam?

Is it haram to have a boyfriend? This is a question that many Muslim girls have, especially in Western countries where the concept of dating is very common.

But what exactly Islam has to say about it? Is it haram, or is it allowed with some restrictions?

Well, in this blog post, we will be discussing whether it is haram to have a boyfriend or not. We will also look at the Islamic perspective on dating and relationships before marriage.

So, let’s cleat the doubt.

Is It Haram To Have A Boyfriend

Is It Haram To Have A Boyfriend?

Yes, it is haram to have a boyfriend, according to Islam. This is because Allah has prohibited us from having any intimate relationships outside of marriage.

Intimate relationships include anything from holding hands, hugging, kissing, and any type of intercourse. Therefore, since a boyfriend is someone you are in an intimate relationship with, it is haram to have one.

In Islam, even to see or talk with the opposite gender is haram if there is a possibility of fitnah. Fitnah means to test someone’s faith or to make them fall into the haram thing.

If you’re boy you should read is it haram to have a girlfriend in Islam.

Why Is It Haram To Have A Boyfriend?

It is haram to have a boyfriend because it can lead to many wrong activities, such as getting into a relationship without marriage.

In Quran, Allah has commanded us to lower our gaze and not to be intimate with anyone outside of marriage. By having a boyfriend, we are violating these commands and putting ourselves in a very dangerous position.

It is very easy to get caught up in the moment and do things that we will regret later on. Therefore, it is best to avoid relationships outside of marriage altogether.

Allah has promised us that if we obey Him, He will bless us with the best things in this life and the hereafter.

In Quran, Allah says to keep our eyes lowered and to guard our private parts. By doing this, we will protect ourselves from many haram things.

Also see is it haram to kiss someone on the cheek if you’ve done or thinking to do.

What Girls Should Do Instead Of Having A Boyfriend

Instead of having a boyfriend, Muslim girls should focus on their relationship with Allah. They should strive to become closer to Him by reading the Quran and performing their daily prayers.

They should also try to find good Muslim friends that they can rely on and that will support them in their journey to become closer to Allah.

Having a boyfriend is not only haram but also a huge distraction from our ultimate goal in life, which is to please Allah and to gain His Paradise. Let’s not let anything or anyone get in the way of that!

You can also do fasting it will help you to control your hormones. And in that way, you will be less likely to get involved in such activities.

If you’re still not able to control, get married as soon as possible. This will help you avoid doing haram things.

For more, you can also read is it haram to kiss before marriage.


Q. Is having a boyfriend haram in Islam?

A. Yes, having a boyfriend is haram in Islam because it violates the laws of Allah, which forbid private relationships outside of marriage.

Q. Can you have a boyfriend in Islam?

A. No, having a boyfriend in Islam is not permissible because of the prohibition on private relationships outside of marriage.

Q. Is it haram to hold hands before marriage?

A. Yes, it is haram to hold hands before marriage because it is considered a form of secret relationship outside of marriage.

Q. Is having a bf haram?

A. Yes, having a bf is considered haram because it violates the laws of Allah, which forbid secret relationships beyond marriage.

Q. What happens if you have a boyfriend in Islam?

A. If you have a boyfriend in Islam, it is considered a major sin and could lead to punishment from Allah. It is important to repent for wrongdoings and ask Allah for forgiveness as soon as possible.

Q. Is it haram to have a boyfriend at a young age?

A. Yes, having a boyfriend at any age is haram, as Islam forbids personal relationships outside of marriage.

Q. Is it haram to have a boyfriend at 12?

A. Yes, it is haram to have a boyfriend at the age of 12 or any other age, as it violates Allah’s laws.

Q. Can Muslim girl have a boyfriend?

A. No, it is not permissible for a Muslim girl to have a boyfriend as it violates the laws of Allah, which forbid secret relationships outside of marriage.

Q. Can I have a boyfriend in Islam?

A. No, you cannot have a boyfriend in Islam. This is because Allah has prohibited us from having any intimate relationships outside of marriage. Intimate relationships include anything from holding hands, hugging, kissing, and any type of intercourse. Therefore, since a boyfriend is someone that you are in an intimate relationship with, it is haram to have one.

Q. What is halal dating?

A. Halal dating is when a couple of dates intend to get married. This means they will not be engaging in any intimate activities until after marriage. Halal dating is the complete opposite of Western dating, where couples often date for months or even years without the intention of getting married.

Q. What should I do if I’m already in a relationship?

A. If you’re already in a relationship, you should try to end it as soon as possible. This is because it is haram to be in an intimate relationship with someone outside of marriage. If you cannot end the relationship right away, get married as soon as possible. This will allow you to avoid further haram and protect your relationship from breaking Allah’s laws.

Q. Is kissing before marriage a sin in Islam?

A. Yes, kissing before marriage is a sin in Islam because it leads to more intimate activities outside of marriage. Allah has prohibited us from having any intimate relationships outside of marriage, so by kissing someone before marriage, we are violating this command.

Q. Is it haram to be a boyfriend?

A. In Islam, it’s haram to be a boyfriend. This is because Islam advocates marriage and wants couples to be married before engaging in any type of relationship.

Q. Is it haram to have a Christian boyfriend?

A. Yes, it is haram to have a Christian boyfriend because Islam only allows relationships between Muslims, which is only after marriage.


In conclusion, it is clear that having a boyfriend is haram in Islam. Muslim girls or boys should avoid getting into any type of relationship before marriage.

We hope this blog post has helped to clear up any confusion on is it haram to have a boyfriend. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us in the comments below.

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