Is It Haram To Watch Kissing In Islam?
With the ubiquity of media in our lives, it’s no surprise that questions about what is and isn’t permissible from an Islamic perspective are becoming more common.
One such question is whether or not it’s permissible to watch kissing scenes in public or movies and TV shows.
If you’re wondering whether is it haram to watch kissing, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll answer and explore the various Islamic perspectives on this matter so that you can decide for yourself.

Is It Haram To Watch Kissing?
To watch kissing scenes for the sake of enjoying it is haram. This is because it leads to further desire.
Although if you talk about a father or mother kissing their child, that is allowed and not haram because it’s a sign of affection.
Even Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) kissed his grandsons Hasan and Husain on the foreheads in front of Sahaba.
This shows that there’s nothing wrong with watching someone kissing in general to show affection for their kids.
However, if we’re talking about boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife kissing, then it’s not allowed to watch in Islam because it leads to attraction.
Being a Muslim, you might know that doing so is a major sin in Islam, so we should stay away from anything that leads to it.
If you’re kissing your kids on the lips must read is it haram to kiss your baby on the lips.
The Dangers of Watching Kissing Scenes
Now that we’ve confirmed that it’s haram to watch kissing scenes let’s explore some of the dangers of doing so.
One of the dangers of watching kissing scenes is that it can lead to interest. it means attraction, and it’s something that all Muslims should avoid.
When we watch kissing scenes, we’re drawn to do something that we know we shouldn’t do. This attraction can lead us down a path of sin and ultimately lead us away from Islam.
Another danger of watching kissing scenes is that it can lead to further. Where it is a major sin in Islam, which all Muslims should avoid at all costs.
In Islam, even looking at someone of the opposite gender with desire is considered haram. So you can imagine how watching kissing scenes would be even worse.
If you’ve watched kissing scenes and you’re feeling attracted or committed to do the same, it’s important to seek forgiveness from Allah.
Also, Allah says in the Quran:
“And do not come near to attraction. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.” (17:32)
“The ears, the eyes, and tongue will all be questioned on the Day of Resurrection.” (More)
Therefore, it’s essential to be mindful of what we watch and why we’re watching it. We should only watch something if it benefits us in this life and the next.
You’ll get nothing but a sin if you watch kissing scenes. So it’s best to avoid them altogether.
If you like Quran you should also know is it haram to kiss the Quran or not.
Q. Is watching people kiss in movies Haram?
A. Yes, it is haram to watch people kiss in movies. This is because it can lead to attraction, which are both major sins in Islam.
Q. Why do I like to watch kissing scenes?
A. It could be because you’re curious about it, or you find it visually stimulating. Also, the human brain releases oxytocin, which is sometimes called “the love hormone,” when we watch romantic scenes.
Q. Is watching kissing haram?
A. Yes, watching someone kissing in real life or in a movie is haram in Islamic law. It leads to further desire and, therefore should be avoided.
Q. Is it haram to watch kissing videos?
A. Yes, watching kissing videos is haram in Islamic law because it represents a sin and leads to further desire. Therefore, you should avoid watching such videos.
Q. Is it haram to watch romance?
A. Yes, watching romance is haram in Islamic law. It leads to further desire, and Allah (SWT) forbids such activities. Romance should be done between husband and wife in private.
Q. Is watching kissing scenes haram in Islam?
A. Yes, watching kissing scenes is haram in Islamic law. It leads to further desire and encourages forbidden activities.
Q. Is it haram to see someone kissing?
A. Yes, it is haram to see someone kissing in Islam because it leads to further desire, and you’re making someone’s personal moments public.
Q. Is seeing someone kiss haram?
A. Yes, seeing someone kiss is haram because it is their private moment and should be respected. Also, it leads to further desire and encourages forbidden activities.
Q. Is it haram to imagine kissing someone?
A. Yes, it is haram to imagine kissing someone because it leads to further desire and encourages forbidden activities. This falls in lucid dreaming, and to know more about this, you can read is lucid dreaming haram.
Q. Does watching kissing break your wudu?
A. No, watching kissing does not break your wudu. However, it is still haram in Islamic law as it leads to further desire and encourages forbidden activities.
Q. Is it haram to watch anime kissing?
A. Yes, even anime can also be haram to watch if it contains kissing and other forbidden activities. Anime can also lead to further desire and should be avoided.
Q. Is it haram to watch people kiss?
A. Yes, it is haram to watch people kiss because it leads to further desire and encourages forbidden activities. It is also disrespectful to the couple as it steals their privacy.
Q. Does watching a kissing scene break your fast?
A. No, watching a kissing scene does not break your fast, as it is not physically consuming any food or drink. However, it is still haram in Islamic law and should be avoided.
Q. Is romance allowed in Islam?
A. Although public displays of affection are not allowed in Islam, there is nothing wrong with having a romantic relationship with someone you’re married to. In fact, Islam encourages husbands and wives to show love and affection for one another. You can also read is it haram to kiss before marriage.
In conclusion, we can say, it is haram to watch kissing scenes. This is because it can lead to attraction, which is haram in Islam. So it’s best to avoid watching kissing altogether.
If you have watched kissing scenes in the past, seek forgiveness from Allah and try to avoid doing it in the future.