Is Ear Piercing Haram For Men Or Females In Islam?

When it comes to ear piercing, there is much debate among Muslims as to whether or not it is considered haram (forbidden in Islam).

Some see ear piercing as a form of beautification, while others believe that it is sinful due to changes in the appearance of Allah’s creation.

However, it is a popular trend among many people in the world. It has been used for centuries to express fashion, culture, and identity.

So the query arises, is ear piercing haram in Islam? Especially when it comes to men, there is even more ambivalence as some believe it is only permitted for women to have their ears pierced.

In this blog post, we will discuss the Islamic perspective on ear piercing for both men and female and answer the age-old question.

Is Ear Piercing Haram

Is Ear Piercing Haram

According to Islamic laws, ear piercing for women is halal (permissible). However, it is haram (forbidden) for men. This is because Islam views beauty and adornment as something that should be kept exclusively to women.

From an Islamic perspective, if a man was to pierce his ears, it is seen as an act of feminization and same-gender appeal, which goes against the customs of Islam.

Also, note that ear piercing is from the time of Prophet Muhammad. The prophet has never stopped women from piercing, not even in his time. That is why women are allowed to have their ears pierced as a form of beautification and adornment.

In Islam, nose and ear piercing is considered permissible for women only, as it is seen as a form of adornment that has no link to immoral acts or disbelief. Also, it has no connection to any type of shirk (associating partners with Allah).

Besides this, if you think of belly button piercing, tongue, or any other body part being pierced except for ears and nose, it is considered haram and forbidden in Islam, both for men and women.

For details on why is belly button piercing haram, you can read our previous article.

Why Ear Piercing Haram For Men?

It is not allowed or haram for men to pierce their ears because it is an imitation of women. It is a form of feminization and same gender appeal that goes against Islam’s customs.

It is important to note that Islamic law does not allow men to imitate the dress and appearance of women, as it is considered a violation of Islamic teachings.

Also, when a man pierces his ear, it can be seen as being unfitting and even indecent, especially in a public setting. It can also lead to other forms of imitation, such as wearing makeup or jewelry, which are all haram.

Lastly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prohibited men from piercing their ears.

Why Ear Piercing Halal For Women?

Ear piercing is halal (permissible) for women in Islam because Muslim women have practiced it since Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is seen as a form of beautification and adornment and has no link to immoral acts or disbelief.

Also, piercing the ears has nothing to do with doing shirk (associating partners with Allah). It is simply a way of expressing yourself and enhancing your beauty.

It’s done to wear traditional jewelry and accessories, which is perfectly acceptable in Islam for women.

Moreover, ear piercing does not violate Islamic teachings. It does not involve any type of imitation or feminization of men, which is why it is considered halal.

Islamic Scholars Opinion On Ear Piercing

Most Islamic scholars agree that ear piercing is permissible and halal for women since Muslim women have practiced it since the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

However, most Islamic scholars agree that it is not permissible or haram for men. This is because it involves a form of feminization and same-gender appeal, which goes against the customs of Islam.

According to Hanafi and Hanbali schools of thought, ear piercing is allowed only for women, not for men.

Practical Considerations On Ear Piercing

When it comes to ear piercing, certain practical considerations should be considered. This includes taking precautions when undergoing the procedure, such as using sterile and hygienic tools and equipment.

Also, those who choose to go ahead with ear piercing should ensure that the process is done in an Islamic manner, for example, by not making any type of religious or superstitious statement associated with it.

Also, it is important to note that piercing the ears should never be done in a painful manner or with excessive force.

If you’re worried about nose piercing you can read here is nose piercing haram.


Q. Is having multiple ear piercings haram?

A. Having multiple piercings is not haram but also not recommended, as it can be seen as a form of excessive adornment.

Q. Is it haram to wear earrings with hijab?

A. No, it is not haram to wear earrings with the hijab as long as it is done in a modest and Islamic manner.

Q. Is ear piercing sunnah?

A. Ear piercing is not sunnah for men or women, but it is permissible as long as it is done in a modest and Islamic way for women.

Q. Are piercings haram in Islam?

A. Piercing of the nose and ears is permissible for women in Islam but haram for men. Other forms of piercing are not permitted or recommended in Islam.

Q. Is ear piercing haram for guys?

A. Yes, ear piercing is haram for men in Islam. It is seen as a form of feminization and same-gender appeal, which goes again Muslim teachings.


In conclusion, is ear piercing haram in Islam? ear piercing is halal for women and haram for men. It should be done respectfully and modestly, following Islamic guidelines, and with proper precautions.

Overall, it is important to remember that ear piercing should never be done in a painful manner or with excessive force. Also, it is important to note that piercing the ears should never be associated with religious or superstitious statements.

Following these guidelines, ear piercing can be a safe and permissible practice in Islam. May Allah help us to follow His commandments.

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