Is It Haram To Celebrate Christmas? (Point 4 Is Enough)

Whether it is halal to celebrate Christmas has been a matter of contention among Muslims.

Some believe that it is halal as long as the holiday is not celebrated religiously, while others contend that any form of celebrating Christmas is haram (forbidden) as it is an act of polytheism.

However, if you’re also confused about is it haram to celebrate Christmas? You can take a look at this article and make an informed decision.

We have a clear and concise answer to this and a very big reason to help you understand the whole concept and decide for yourself.

Is it haram to celebrate christmas

Is It Haram To Celebrate Christmas?

The answer is yes, celebrating Christmas is haram in Islam. Saying “Merry Christmas”, putting up Christmas trees, adding lighting in the house, sending Christmas cards, and exchanging gifts are all considered to be acts of polytheism and are therefore haram.

Why Is It Haram To Celebrate Christmas?

There are many reasons why celebrating Christmas is considered to be haram in Islam. Let’s see some of them below: (4th point is all you need)

  1. Christmas is a Christian holiday celebrating Jesus Christ’s birth. Hence celebrating Christmas would be considered as an act of polytheism as it is an act of worshiping someone other than Allah.
  2. Christmas has many pagan origins and symbols, such as the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, and the exchanging of gifts. These are all things that are associated with paganism and idolatry, which are both haram in Islam.
  3. Christmas is a time of excess and indulgence. There is a lot of focus on material things such as gifts, food, and haram drinks. This goes against the teachings of Islam, which emphasize moderation and simplicity.
  4. Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a grave act of shirk (associating partners with Allah) and is therefore haram. If we only consider this point, it would be enough to say celebrating Christmas haram. Because it would be like celebrating the birthday of Allah’s son (mazAllah).
  5. Being Muslim, our priority is to celebrate the two eids Allah has ordained for us, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. These are the only two holidays that Muslims are allowed to celebrate.

Hence, if we do celebrate Christmas, it would be like we are disregarding all the reasons above and going against the teachings of Islam. Also indirectly supporting and taking part in Christian rituals and practices.

Thanksgiving is also celebrated in the USA, so if you’re also confused about celebrating it, you can should read our previous article is it haram to celebrate thanksgiving.

What To Do On Christmas?

So, if celebrating Christmas is haram, what are we supposed to do on that day? Here are some things that you can do:

  1. Remember Allah and thank Him for His blessings. You can do this by performing extra acts of worship such as Namaz, charity, and reciting the Quran. Further, also remember Easa Alayhi Salaam in your duas.
  2. Spend time with your family and loved ones.
  3. Learn more about Islam and its teachings. This will help strengthen your faith and increase your knowledge about the religion.
  4. Help those who are less fortunate. You can do this by volunteering at a local soup kitchen or donating to a charity.
  5. Remember the Muslims who are persecuted around the world and pray for their safety and well-being.

By doing any of the above-mentioned things, you will be spending your time in a productive and meaningful way. And you will also be staying true to the teachings of Islam.

You can also learn is it haram to celebrate halloween.


Q. Can we celebrate Christmas in Islam?

Answer: No, celebrating Christmas is not allowed in Islam as it is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. If we celebrate Christmas, it would be like we are supporting and taking part in Christian rituals and practices because they believe Jesus is the son of God, which is a grave act of shirk.

Q. Is it haram to say Merry Christmas?

Answer: Yes, it is haram to say Merry Christmas as it is a Christian holiday, and by saying it, you would be participating in their religious practices.

Q. Is it haram to put up a Christmas tree?

Answer: Yes, it is haram to put up a Christmas tree as it is a pagan symbol and is associated with idolatry. For more on this read here is it haram to have a Christmas tree.

Q. Is it haram to give or receive gifts on Christmas?

Answer: Yes, it is haram to give or receive gifts on Christmas as it is a time of excess and indulgence. However, if someone gives you a gift, you can politely decline it or accept it with the niyyah of giving it to someone else in need and not as a practice of Christmas.

Q. What does the Quran say about Christmas?

Answer: The Quran does not mention anything specifically about Christmas. However, there are general verses about shirk and idolatry that would apply to Christmas. Also, Christians believe Jesus is the son of God, which is a grave act of haram, so this is another reason why celebrating Christmas is not allowed in Islam.

Q. Is it haram to celebrate christmas for fun?

Answer: Yes, celebrating Christmas would be considered haram as it involves activities such as gift-giving, exchanging cards, and decorations, and making merry, which are all part of the Christian tradition and not part of Islamic practice. Even if you’ve no intention of practicing the Christian faith, these activities are still haram as it shows that you’re supporting and promoting the traditions of other religions.

Q. Is it allowed for a Muslim to celebrate Christmas?

Answer: No, it is not allowed for a Muslim to celebrate Christmas as it goes against the teachings of Islam.

Q. Is Christmas haram?

Answer: Yes, Christmas is haram in Islam, as it involves acts of polytheism that go against the teachings of Islam.

Q. What do Muslims celebrate instead of Christmas?

Answer: Muslims celebrate a variety of religious holidays, such as Eid-al-Fitr and Eid-al-Adha. These are all important days for Muslims to remember Islam’s teachings and spread peace and goodwill amongst each other. They also take this time to reflect on their faith and how it can be used in everyday life. Muslims also use this time to do charitable acts and spend time with family, friends, and even strangers.


In conclusion, is celebrating Christmas haram? Yes, celebrating Christmas is haram in Islam because it is a Christian holiday that goes against the teachings of Islam in many ways.

May Allah guide us all and help us to follow the right path. Ameen.

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