Is It Haram To Celebrate Easter? (Answer With Reason)

Easter is one of the most widely celebrated Christian holidays in the world. With its vibrant colors, creative decorations, and delicious treats, it’s no wonder the holiday has become such a popular celebration.

However, for Muslims, the concept of celebrating Easter is complicated due to its religious roots and the fact that it’s not a holiday celebrated in the Islamic faith. So, the query arises is it haram to celebrate Easter?

Well, if you’re confused about whether is easter haram within the Islamic faith, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll discuss whether or not it’s haram to celebrate Easter and offer alternative ways of celebrating the holiday that are within Islamic guidelines.

Is It Haram To Celebrate Easter

Is It Haram To Celebrate Easter?

Yes, it is haram to celebrate Easter within the Islamic faith, as it is seen as a holiday that honors Jesus and his resurrection, which goes against Islamic beliefs.

If you celebrate Easter, you’re encouraging something that goes against Islam’s teachings, which is why it’s considered haram.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that it is forbidden to celebrate any non-Islamic festivals and holidays, so Muslims should not be celebrating Easter, Christmas, and Halloween types of festivals.

For the reason for not celebrating Christmas and Halloween, you can read our previous articles is it haram to celebrate Christmas, and is it haram to celebrate Halloween.

Why It Is Haram To Celebrate Easter

In Islam, Jesus is one of the greatest prophets and a messenger of God, but he is not seen as being divine. He was sent to guide people to the right path and show them how to be devout followers of Allah.

So, celebrating Easter implies elevating Jesus above all other prophets and celebrating him as divine, which Islam considers blasphemous.

In addition, Easter celebrations usually involve decorations, gifts, and other activities that can lead to indulgence and excess. Therefore, it goes against the Islamic principles of moderation and self-control, which are essential for living a good and pious life.

Another reason why it’s haram to celebrate Easter is because of the pagan roots associated with it. Easter is based on the ancient pagan festival known as Oestara, which was celebrated by worshipping various gods and goddesses.

As these activities are not allowed in Islam, it is considered haram to celebrate Easter.

Alternatives To Celebrating Easter

Although celebrating Easter is considered haram in Islam, there are other ways for Muslims to spend the holiday in an Islamic way.

First, Muslims can spend the day remembering Allah and all His prophets, including Jesus. They can also perform good deeds and help others by providing charity and volunteering their time.

Additionally, Muslims can spend the day learning about religious matters such as Islamic history and teachings or reading Quran verses or hadiths.

Finally, Muslims can spend the day with their families and friends by hosting a meal or gathering together to play games and engage in other activities that don’t involve participating in the Easter celebrations.


What does the Quran say about Easter?

The Quran says Jesus was sent as a messenger of Allah and was not killed or crucified, as some belief. Therefore, celebrating Easter is not in line with Islamic teachings.

Is it haram to say happy Easter?

Yes, it is haram to say happy Easter, as this implies that you are celebrating the holiday, which goes against Islamic teachings.

Do Muslims celebrate Easter?

Muslims do not celebrate Easter as it is considered haram in the Islamic faith.

What do Muslims believe about Easter?

In Islam, Jesus is seen as one of Allah’s greatest prophets and a messenger, but he is not believed to be divine. Muslims do not celebrate Easter as it implies elevating Jesus above all other prophets and celebrating him as divine, which is blasphemous in Islam. Muslims instead spend the day remembering Allah and all His prophets, including Jesus.

Are Easter eggs Haram?

Yes, Easter eggs are haram as they are associated with pagan roots and are a part of the celebrations which go against Islamic teachings.

What do Muslims think about Good Friday?

Muslims do not celebrate Good Friday as it is a part of the Easter celebrations, which are considered haram in Islam.


In conclusion, we can say it is haram to celebrate Easter in Islam as it implies elevating Jesus above all other prophets and celebrating him as divine, which is blasphemous.

Muslims instead can spend the day in remembrance of Allah and all His prophets, including Jesus, by performing good deeds and helping others.

So, if you were planning on celebrating Easter, we suggest you instead spend the day in an Islamic manner that is in line with the teachings of Islam. InshAllah, you can make the best of this special day and get closer to Allah, which helps to earn His pleasure and blessings both in this world and the hereafter.

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