Is It Haram To Not Get Married In Islam?

For any reason, if you have decided not to get married, the question arises is it haram to not get married? In Islam, marriage is not just a social contract but is also a religious obligation.

Therefore, if you have decided not to marry, then it is important to consider whether this is permissible or not in Islam.

There are a number of different opinions on this matter, so we’ve compiled got a clear answer for you with reason.

Let’s explore te question and answer in brief.

Is It Haram To Not Get Married

Is It Haram To Not Get Married?

The simple answer is no, it is not haram to not get married.

There is no specific ruling in Islam that states that one must get married, and those who do not are committing a sin.

However, in Islam, it’s highly recommended to get married, and there are a number of reasons for this.

Marriage is seen as a way to protect oneself from sin. It’s also a means of continuing the human race and forming families, which are the building blocks of societies.

Islam also views marriage as an act of worship, as it brings two people closer to Allah.

But, for any reason, if you have decided not to get married, then that is your decision, and you will not be doing anything haram. For example, if he/she is not interested in marriage or has health reasons that make it difficult for them to get married, there is nothing wrong with this.

Also, if the man cannot take care of his wife and sons financially, then also it’s better not to get married.

You may also like knowing is it haram to kiss before marriage.

Why Does Islam Encourage Getting Marry?

Even though there is no specific ruling that says one must get married, Islam does encourage marriage.

This is for several reasons, as we mentioned earlier. Here are a few of them:

Firstly, marriage is seen as a way of protecting oneself from sin. It’s human nature to have desires, and if these desires are not met in a halal way, then it’s easy to turn to sin.

By getting married, you satisfy your desires in a halal way which will prevent you from committing sin.

Secondly, marriage is a means of continuing the human race. If you marry and have children, then you are playing a role in ensuring that the human race continues.

Thirdly, marriage is an act of worship. You are pleasing Allah and earning His blessings by bringing two people closer together.

Fourthly, marriage is a way of forming families. Families are the cornerstone of societies, and by getting married, you contribute to society’s strength.

Fifth, if you’re not married, you will miss out on the companionship that comes with marriage. A spouse is someone who will be there for you through thick and thin and who will share your joys and sorrows.

All these reasons show us that marriage is a good thing and encouraged in Islam.

However, some people cannot get married for one reason or another. And as we mentioned earlier, this is not haram. So if you’ve no serious reason not to get married, you should do so.

If you’re thinking to cutting ties with toxic family Islam you must know the Islamic view on this.

What If I Never Get Married Islam?

If you never get married in Islam, it does not necessarily mean that one is doing something wrong. Many people choose to remain unmarried throughout their life, and this decision.

However, if not getting married is due to a lack of faith in Allah, or fear of the commitment and responsibility that comes with marriage, then this may be haram.

Also, if you don’t marry and still get into a relationship that crosses the limits of Islam, this is haram and must be avoided.

So if you’re single and plan on staying that way, it is important to remember to remain within the bounds of Islam in order to attain Allah’s pleasure.

If you can do this, then there is nothing wrong with never getting married.

But if you do something which is haram, like having haram relationships, then it can lead to serious consequences in both this and the hereafter.


Q. Is it haram for a woman to not get married?

A. No, it’s not haram for a woman not to get married. If she has no desire to get married or she has health reasons that make it difficult for her to get married, then there is nothing wrong with this.

Q. Is it haram to never get married?

A. No, it’s not haram to never get married. However, to avoid haram things, getting married is highly recommended.

Q. Is it haram not to get married in Islam?

A. No, it is not haram not to get married in Islam as long as you remain within the limits of Islamic teachings. It is haram only if you do something that goes against Islamic teachings that it becomes haram.

Q. Is it haram to not marry?

A. No, it is not haram to not marry if you remain within the limits of Islamic teachings. But it is haram if you engage in activities that go against Islamic teachings, such as having haram relationships.

Q. Is not marrying a sin in Islam?

A. No, it is not a sin in Islam to not marry but highly encouraged because it is seen as a way to fulfill one’s need for companionship while also ensuring that the relationship is in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Q. Do you have to get married in Islam?

A. It depends on you, but it is encouraged to get married. In Islam, marriage is seen as a way to complete your faith and ensure that the relationship is in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Q. Is it haram to not want to get married?

A. No, it is not haram to not want to get married as long as you remain within the boundaries of Islamic teachings even without getting married.

Q. Is it haram for a man to not get married?

A. No, it is not haram for a man to not get married as long as he remains within the boundaries of Islamic teachings even without getting married.

Also, read our view on is it haram to celebrate wedding anniversary.


In conclusion, there is no specific ruling in Islam that says one must get married. Therefore it is up to you either to marry or not.

However, marriage is highly encouraged as it’s a means of protecting oneself from sin, continuing the human race, forming families, and as an act of worship.

If you cannot get married for one reason or another, then this is not haram. You can also discuss your reason with us. Maybe we can help you to find a solution.

We hope this has helped to answer your question is it haram to not get married? Feel free to comment below if you’ve any other queries.

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