Is Music Haram In Islam? (Yes Or No)

Music has become a popular form of entertainment and expression for many people worldwide.

There are different types of music and many different interpretations of what is considered “halal” or “haram” in Islam.

If you’re addicted to listening music and looking forward to clearing your doubts is music haram in Islam or not, then you’re at the right place.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the Islamic stance on all music and provide some practical advice for those who are interested.

Is Music Haram

Is Music Haram In Islam?

Yes, music is haram in Islam. This is because it can lead to improper behavior and elicit strong emotions that are not conducive to Islamic teachings.

The music involves musical instruments and lyrics that are un-Islamic or encourage immoral behavior, which is all considered haram in Islam.

Also, modern music contains bad language and haram content and promotes a lifestyle incompatible with Islamic teachings.

Music can lead to a person feeling more relaxed, which can lead them away from the remembrance of Allah and religious observances.

Some music also creates an environment that encourages people to do things that are contrary to Islamic teachings, such as drinking haram things and having haram relationships.

Lastly, in most of the music, women also sing or dance which is inappropriate for Islamic teachings and is haram to listen to.

Note: Even if any of the scholars say music is halal, they are talking about music that doesn’t contain any haram elements and is free from any un-Islamic lyrics. In today’s world, it is very difficult to find such type of music; hence, it is best to stay away from all kinds of music.

You can also read other music related articles such as is lofi music haram or is singing haram?

Why Is Music Haram In Islam?

So far, you’ve got the answer to the query is it haram to listen to music in Islam? Yes, it is. But why exactly is it haram? Let’s explore this further.

In Islam, music and other forms of entertainment are considered distracting from the remembrance and worship of Allah. It is believed that too much time spent on leisure activities can take away from the time devoted to prayer and worship.

Secondly, note that there is no direct verse in the Quran that states music is haram; however, there is some indication that makes the music haram.

Such as, in Surah Luqman (31:6), Allah Says:
“Among them, there are those people who purchase idle tales without knowledge and without meaning, and they mislead the people away from the path of Allah, and they ridicule the path of Allah these are the people who receive a humiliating punishment.”

Easy to understand the above verse: "And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e., music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allah.”

This ayat indicates that listening to music and other forms of idle talk can lead people away from the remembrance of Allah and religious observances.

In order to be successful in this life and the hereafter, Muslims need to stay away from idle talks such as music.

Not only this, but music has also been linked to other activities which are haram in Islam, such as getting emotional, drinking haram drinks, and immoral behavior.

Whoever Islamic professor you listen including Mufti Menk (a well-known Islamic Scholar) and Dr. Zakir Naik (a well-known Islamic speaker), has said that music is haram in Islam.

Note that if the music is related to religious rituals, which include only the duff (a one-sided tambourine) as a musical instrument and songs that praise Allah, then it is allowed.

So considering this point of view, listening, singing, or playing music in today’s world is haram in Islam. It is advised that Muslims should stay away from music and instead focus on the remembrance of Allah.

How To Avoid Music? (TIps)

Music avoid tips

If you’re addicted to music, here are a few tips that can help you avoid and shunning the habit of listening to music.

1. Spend more time in Quran and dua to strengthen your relationship with Allah; this will help you replace the habit of listening to music.

    2. Join Islamic circles and mosques where you can listen to religious speeches and lectures on Islam that will keep your spiritual life alive and provide you peace of mind.

    3. Listen to Islamic podcasts, lectures, and recitations of the Quran, which will provide you with the same pleasure and comfort that music does.

    4. Listen to halal nasheed, which praises Allah; this will give you pleasure and comfort similar to music but without it being haram.

    5. Avoid being in places where music is played and try to hang out with those who don’t listen to music.

    Lastly, keep yourself away from haram activities and get closer to Allah by praying more; this will make you stay away from music and other haram activities.

    You can also read is it haram to listen to music in the shower or is it haram to listen to music at night.


    Q. Is all music haram?

    A. Not all music is haram in Islam. If the music does not contain haram elements, such as musical instruments, except the duff and the music praising Allah, then it is halal. Otherwise, most of today’s music is considered haram in Islam, so it is best to avoid them.

    Q. Is listening to music haram?

    A. Yes, listening to music is haram in Islam as per the teachings of the Quran and hadith. The music involved instrument playing, singing bad words, and immoral activities. Therefore, it is best to stay away from music altogether.

    Q. Is music haram in the Quran?

    A. There is no direct verse in the Quran that states music is haram. However, some indications make the music haram. That is why most of Islamic scholars agree that music is haram in Islam.

    Q. Are you allowed to sing in Islam?

    A. It depends on the type of singing. It is allowed if it is related to religious activities such as praising Allah and involves only duff (musical instrument). However, if the singing involves instrument playing, singing bad words, and immoral activities, like today’s movie music, then it is haram in Islam.

    Q. Are Muslims allowed to rap?

    A. No, rap music is haram in Islam as it includes bad words and musical instruments, which is against the teachings of Islam.

    Q. Can Muslims listen to music?

    A. No, most of the music today is haram in Islam, so Muslims should stay away from them. However, if the music does not contain any haram elements, such as musical instruments and lyrics that do not praise Allah, then it can be allowed.

    Q. What type of music is haram?

    A. Music that involves instrument playing singing bad words, and immoral activities is haram in Islam. This includes most of today’s music.

    Q. What kind of music is allowed in Islam?

    A. Music that does not contain any haram elements, such as musical instruments and lyrics that praise Allah, is allowed in Islam. This includes nasheed and religious songs.


    In the modern world, music is everywhere, and it has become a very popular cultural activity. However, most music available today could be considered haram in Islam.

    Therefore, it is best for Muslims to avoid music and instead look towards more religious and spiritual activities such as reciting the Quran, listening to religious lectures and halal nasheed, and joining Islamic circles.

    This will not only help you stay away from haram activities but also make your spiritual lives more powerful and meaningful.

    I hope your doubts on is music haram in Islam have been clarified. May Allah bless us all and give us the strength to avoid haram activities. Amen!

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