Is It Haram To Kiss The Quran? (Ans With Reason)
Do you kiss the Quran? Is this act considered disrespectful? Is it haram?
Many people believe that kissing the Quran is a sign of reverence and respect. After all, the Quran is the holiest book in Islam. It contains the word of Allah and is a guide for Muslims all over the world.
However, some believe that kissing the Quran is disrespectful. They argue that the Quran should not be treated like an object and that it should be handled with care.
So, what is the truth? Is It Haram To Kiss The Quran?
If you’re confused about whether or not it’s haram to kiss the Quran, then read on. We’ll clear up this issue once and for all with reason.

Is It Haram To Kiss The Quran?
It is not haram to kiss the Quran. There is no verse in the Quran that prohibits Muslims from kissing it. Kissing the Quran is a sign of respect. It is a way of showing love and reverence for the holy book.
However, you must have Wudu (ablution) before they touch the Quran. This is to ensure that the Quran is not contaminated.
While kissing the Quran, also handle it with care and respect.
Lastly, make sure to kiss the Quran by heart and not just for show. Only kiss the Quran if you truly believe and value its message.
You should also know if is it haram to kiss your baby on the lips.
Why It Is Allowed To Kiss The Quran
One of the main reasons why it is allowed to kiss in the Quran is because there is no verse in the Quran that prohibits it.
As we’ve mentioned before, the Quran is the holiest book in Islam. It contains the word of Allah and is a guide for Muslims all over the world.
Therefore, it’s only natural that Muslims show reverence and respect for the Quran. And one way of doing that is by kissing it.
Also, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) never forbade the act of kissing the Quran. In fact, some hadiths mention how the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) used to kiss the Black stone in respect which is a practice that Muslims still do today.
It was narrated that ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab said: “I saw the Messenger of Allah kissing the Black Stone, and I told myself: ‘If I had not seen the Messenger of Allah kissing it, I would never have kissed it.'”
This shows that the act of kissing something that is holy is not disrespectful. In fact, it is a sign of respect and not considered haram.
Why Do Some People Believe It Is Haram To Kiss The Quran?
There are a few reasons why some people believe it is haram to kiss the Quran.
The first reason is that they think that the act of kissing the Quran is akin to worshipping an object. They argue that Muslims should only worship Allah and that kissing the Quran is a form of idolatry.
However, this argument is flawed because worshipping an object is only considered haram if the object is being worshipped instead of Allah. If the act of kissing the Quran is done out of respect and love for the holy book, then it is not considered idolatry.
The second reason is that they think that the Quran should not be treated like an object. They argue that the Quran is a holy book and should be handled with care.
However, this argument is also flawed because there is nothing wrong with treating the Quran with respect. In fact, it is encouraged. The Quran is the holiest book in Islam and should be treated as such.
If we look at this issue objectively, we can see that there is no reason why it should be considered haram to kiss the Quran. Also, the people who say that it is haram to kiss the Quran don’t have any evidence to back up their claim.
In conclusion, it is not haram to kiss the Quran. The Quran is the holiest book in Islam and should be treated with respect.
Those who say it is haram to kiss the Quran are wrong. There is no verse in the Quran that prohibits Muslims from kissing it. Kissing the Quran is a sign of respect and is not considered idolatry.
So, if you’re ever unsure whether it’s haram to kiss the Quran, just remember that it’s not. Show your love and respect for the holy book by kissing it by heart and not just for show.