Is It Haram To Listen To Music At Night? (With Reason)
Do you enjoy listening to music at night? For some people, it helps them relax and fall asleep. Others enjoy staying up late and jamming out to their favorite tunes. But the query here is, is it haram to listen to music at night?
If you’re confused about this topic, don’t worry. In this article, we’ll explore the different opinions on whether or not it’s haram to listen to music at night. We’ll also look at the evidence for each opinion so that you can make your own informed decision.

Is It Haram To Listen To Music At Night?
The simple answer is yes, listening to music at any time is haram in Islam. No evidence from the Quran or the Hadith supports the idea that listening to music is permissible.
The night is a time for worship and remembrance of Allah. It’s also a time to sleep and rest. Listening to music at night can distract you from these important activities.
According to Islam, music is permissible if it’s used for religious purposes. For example, singing religious songs or anasheed (Islamic devotional songs) is allowed. But listening to music for entertainment is generally considered haram.
Also, according to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the night is a time when the devils are let loose. So it’s important to be careful about what you do during this time. Listening to music can make you more vulnerable to the devil’s whispers.
For more on all types of music, you can read is music haram?
Why it is Haram To Listen To Music At Night
There are a few reasons why listening to music at night is haram.
First, as we mentioned before, the night is a time for worship and remembrance of Allah. Sleep is like a mini death, and when you wake up, it’s like being resurrected. So the night is a special time to be close to Allah and to reflect on His greatness.
Second, the night is a time of peace and quiet. It’s a time to reflect on your life and your relationship with Allah. Listening to music can be disruptive to this inner reflection.
Third, the night is a time when the devils are let loose. They try to whisper evil thoughts into our minds and lure us into sin. Listening to music can make us more vulnerable to their whispers.
Fourth, music can affect our emotions. It can make us happy or sad, excited or angry. At night, we should try calming our emotions and preparing for sleep. Listening to music can interfere with this process.
Fifth, some types of music are designed explicitly against Islam. For example, music with explicit lyrics or that promotes haram drinks and games. Listening to this type of music at night can be especially harmful.
If you have a habit of listening music In the bathroom you should learn is it haram to listen to music in the bathroom.
What To Do Instead Of Listening To Music At Night
There are plenty of options if you’re looking for something to do at night instead of listening to music.
First, you can pray. The night is a wonderful time for prayer and a great way to connect with Allah.
Second, you can read the Quran. This is a great way to learn about Allah’s message and to reflect on His words.
Third, you can journal. This is a chance to reflect on your day and set future goals.
Fourth, you can spend time with family and friends. This is a great way to connect with the people you love and create lasting memories.
Fifth, you can relax and enjoy some peace and quiet. This is a time to reflect on your day and prepare for bed.
Finally, just before sleep, you can make sleeping dua to Allah. This is a great way to end your day and ask Allah for His protection during the night.
Q. Is it bad to listen to music while sleeping?
A. Listening to music while sleeping is bad in both Islamic and medical aspects. From the Islamic perspective, music is haram every time and everywhere. Considering the medical aspect, it can affect sleep quality, disrupt your circadian rhythm and cause hearing problems.
Q. Is it good to listen to music while sleeping?
A. Listening to music might feel good and relax while sleeping, but it can affect your sleep quality negatively and is haram in Islam.
Q. What happens if you listen to music while sleeping?
A. Listening to music while sleeping can be disruptive and adversely affect your sleep quality. If you’re Muslim, it is haram to listen to music anytime. So it can also take you away from the blessings of Allah.
In conclusion, listening to music is haram and not only restricted to night time. There are many things you can do instead of listening to music at night, as shared in this article.
Use this time to connect with Allah through prayer, reading the Quran, journaling, or spending time with family and friends. Or just take some time for yourself to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet.
Just remember, the night is a special time. It’s a time to be close to Allah and to reflect on His greatness. So be careful about how you spend your time and what you do during this special time.