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Is It Haram To Watch Tiktok In Ramadan?

With the advent of technology, social media has become integral to many people’s lives. Among them is the popular short-video platform, TikTok.

It has become one of the most engaging social media platforms with millions of users worldwide, including in Muslim countries.

Given the fact that TikTok is a visual platform, it can be difficult to determine if it is permissible or not to watch during Ramadan, the holiest month for Muslims.

In this blog post, we will discuss the Islamic perspective on watching TikTok during Ramadan you’ve searched, is it haram to watch Tiktok in Ramadan, and provide some guidance.

Is It Haram To Watch TikTok In Ramadan

Is It Haram To Watch TikTok In Ramadan?

The overall consensus amongst Islamic scholars is that it is permissible to watch TikTok during Ramadan as long as the videos you watch are halal (not forbidden) in Islam.

This means that any videos which contain inappropriate content, such as violence, vulgar language, dancing, immorality, and disrespect towards religion are haram (forbidden) and should be avoided at all times.

However, if you watch informational videos related to Islam, your business/job, or other halal topics, then it is permissible.

Still, because Ramadan is a holy month, it is recommended to be careful and mindful of how much time you spend on the platform. It’s better to avoid it if not necessary.

Hence, if you ask is tiktok haram in Ramadan, the answer is no, as long as you watch halal content.

If you like decorating your room, house, or office during Ramadan you must read is it haram to decorate for Ramadan.

Tips For Watching TikTok During Ramadan

If Tikok is beneficial to you and you wish to watch it during Ramadan, here are some tips on how to do so:

Set reminders and time limits: Set reminders on your phone to check and limit the amount of time you spend on TikTok. This will help ensure you don’t get too distracted or spend too much time on the platform.

Mute/block videos with inappropriate content: Many videos on TikTok contain inappropriate content, so it is important to mute or block any videos which have such content if you come across them.

Follow only Helpful/Islamic accounts: Following helpful and Islamic accounts will ensure that you get only beneficial and Halal content.

Refrain from participating in challenges: Ramadan is a time for self-reflection, so it is best to avoid participating in any challenges which may be inappropriate or distract you from your spiritual reflections during the month.

Downsides Of Watching TikTok In Ramadan

Watching TikTok during Ramadan have more downsides than upsides, and can be considered haram if used with bad intentions.

Some of the major downsides include:

Wastage of time: TikTok can be an extremely addictive platform, and as such, it can cause you to waste a lot of time with little to no benefit.

Inappropriate content: As mentioned earlier, plenty of inappropriate videos on the platform can cause you to sin unknowingly if you watch them.

Distraction from worship: Watching TikTok during Ramadan can be a major distraction from worship. It can cause you to become less focused on your prayers and spiritual obligations during the month, thus better to avoid it.

Immorality: Watching TikTok can also lead to immorality and sinful acts, as it is filled with videos portraying many inappropriate activities.

You can also read is it haram to listen to music during ramadan.


Q. Is making tiktok haram in ramadan?

Making Tiktok videos is not haram if the content is halal such as sharing information related to Islam, teaching something helpful, and does not contain any inappropriate material. However, it is still recommended to try to limit the amount of time spent on making videos and focus more on worship.

Q. Can you watch tiktok during ramadan?

If it’s beneficial and the content is halal, then it is permissible to watch TikTok during Ramadan. However, it is not allowed if you watch videos with inappropriate content or are not helpful.

Q. Are Muslims allowed to use TikTok?

Yes, Muslims are allowed to use TikTok as long as they watch halal content, mute or block inappropriate videos, and follow only helpful and Islamic accounts. Additionally, it is recommended to limit the amount of time spent on the platform during Ramadan and focus more on worship.

Q. What can you not watch during Ramadan?

During Ramadan, it is best to avoid watching inappropriate content such as videos containing explicit language or behavior, violence, and other haram activities. Additionally, it is also recommended to limit the amount of time spent on watching any content as it can be a major distraction from worship during the blessed month.

Q. Can I watch Tiktoks while fasting?

Watching TikToks while fasting only if it’s helpful and does not contain any inappropriate content.

Q. Is it haram to skip quran on tiktok?

It depends on your intention when using the app. If you skip the Quran in disrespect or to watch something haram, then it is haram. However, if you skip the Quran for a legitimate reason such as needing to find a specific ayah or surah to answer a question, then it is not haram.

If you’re addicted to movies, you must read a blog post on is it haram to watch movies during Ramadan in Islam.


Overall, while it is permissible to watch TikTok during Ramadan if the content is helpful and halal, it can also lead to a lot of negative consequences if not used correctly.

It is best to avoid watching inappropriate content, mute/block videos with those themes, and limit the amount of time spent on the platform to focus more on worship during the blessed month.

I hope this blog post on is it haram to watch Tiktok in Ramadan has helped clear up any confusion or doubts you have had! Ramadan Mubarak!

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